2016-08-13 18:58:31 -06:00

305 lines
5.5 KiB

%include ""
mov ax, 0x4F00
mov di, VBECardInfo
int 0x10
cmp ax, 0x4F
je .edid
mov eax, 1
cmp dword [.required], 0 ;if both required x and required y are set, forget this
jne near .findmode
mov ax, 0x4F15
mov bx, 1
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
mov di, VBEEDID
int 0x10
cmp ax, 0x4F
jne near .noedid
xor di, di
xor cx, cx
mov cl, [di+VBEEDID.standardtiming]
shl cx, 3
add cx, 248
push ecx
call decshowrm
mov al, 'x'
call charrm
pop ecx
mov bx, cx
inc di
mov al, [di+VBEEDID.standardtiming]
and al, 11000000b
cmp al, VBEEDID.aspect.4.3
jne .not43
mov ax, 3
mul cx
mov cx, ax
shr cx, 2
jmp .gotres
cmp al, VBEEDID.aspect.5.4
jne .not54
shl cx, 2
mov ax, cx
mov cx, 5
xor dx, dx
div cx
mov cx, ax
jmp .gotres
cmp al, VBEEDID.aspect.16.10
jne .not1610
mov ax, 10
mul cx
mov cx, ax
shr cx, 4
jmp .gotres
mov ax, 9
mul cx
mov cx, ax
shr cx, 4
call decshowrm
mov si, .edidmsg
call printrm
inc di
cmp di, 8
jb .lp
jmp .findmode
mov si, .noedidmsg
call printrm
jmp .findmode
;if needed, reset mins/maxes/stuff
xor cx, cx
mov [.minx], cx
mov [.miny], cx
mov [.requiredx], cx
mov [.requiredy], cx
mov [.requiredmode], cx
mov si, [VBECardInfo.videomodeptr]
mov ax, [VBECardInfo.videomodeptr+2]
mov fs, ax
sub si, 2
mov cx, [.requiredmode]
test cx, cx
jnz .getmodeinfo
add si, 2
mov cx, [fs:si]
cmp cx, 0xFFFF
jne .getmodeinfo
cmp word [.goodmode], 0
je .resetlist
jmp .findmode
push esi
mov [.currentmode], cx
mov ax, 0x4F01
mov di, VBEModeInfo
int 0x10
pop esi
cmp ax, 0x4F
je .foundmode
mov eax, 1
;check minimum values, really not minimums from an OS perspective but ugly for users
cmp byte [VBEModeInfo.bitsperpixel], 32
jb .searchmodes
mov cx, [VBEModeInfo.xresolution]
cmp word [.requiredx], 0
je .notrequiredx
cmp cx, [.requiredx]
je .testy
jmp .searchmodes
cmp cx, [.minx]
jb .searchmodes
mov cx, [VBEModeInfo.yresolution]
cmp word [.requiredy], 0
je .notrequiredy
cmp cx, [.requiredy]
jne .searchmodes ;as if there weren't enough warnings, USE WITH CAUTION
cmp word [.requiredx], 0
jnz .setmode
jmp .testgood
cmp cx, [.miny]
jb .searchmodes
mov cx, [.currentmode]
mov [.goodmode], cx
push esi
call decshowrm
mov al, ':'
call charrm
mov cx, [VBEModeInfo.xresolution]
call decshowrm
mov al, 'x'
call charrm
mov cx, [VBEModeInfo.yresolution]
call decshowrm
mov al, '@'
call charrm
xor ch, ch
mov cl, [VBEModeInfo.bitsperpixel]
call decshowrm
mov si, .modeok
call printrm
xor ax, ax
int 0x16
pop esi
cmp al, 'y'
jne .searchmodes
mov bx, [.currentmode]
cmp bx, 0
je .nomode
or bx, 0x4000
mov ax, 0x4F02
int 0x10
cmp ax, 0x4F
je .returngood
mov eax, 1
xor eax, eax
.minx dw 640
.miny dw 480
.requiredx dw 1024 ;USE THESE WITH CAUTION
.requiredy dw 768
.requiredmode dw 0
.noedidmsg db "EDID not supported.",10,13,0
.edidmsg db " is supported.",10,13,0
.modeok db ": Is this OK?(y/n)",10,13,0
.goodmode dw 0
.currentmode dw 0
;useful functions
mov si, .number
mov al, "0"
mov [si], al
inc si
cmp si, .numberend
jb .clear
dec si
call convertrm
mov si, .number
cmp si, .numberend
jae .end
cmp al, "0"
jbe .lp
dec si
call printrm
.number times 7 db 0
.numberend db 0
dec si
mov bx, si ;place to convert into must be in si, number to convert must be in cx
mov si, bx
sub si, 4
.ten4: inc si
cmp cx, 10000
jb .ten3
sub cx, 10000
inc byte [si]
jmp .cnvrt
.ten3: inc si
cmp cx, 1000
jb .ten2
sub cx, 1000
inc byte [si]
jmp .cnvrt
.ten2: inc si
cmp cx, 100
jb .ten1
sub cx, 100
inc byte [si]
jmp .cnvrt
.ten1: inc si
cmp cx, 10
jb .ten0
sub cx, 10
inc byte [si]
jmp .cnvrt
.ten0: inc si
cmp cx, 1
jb .return
sub cx, 1
inc byte [si]
jmp .cnvrt
mov al, [si]
test al, al
jz .return
call charrm
inc si
jmp printrm
charrm: ;char must be in al
mov bx, 7
mov ah, 0xE
int 10h
; .bestmode: ;preference is width > height > color
; mov bx, [VBEModeInfo.xresolution]
; cmp bx, [.width]
; ja .switchmode
; jb .searchmodes
; mov bx, [VBEModeInfo.yresolution]
; cmp bx, [.height]
; ja .switchmode
; jb .searchmodes
; mov bl, [VBEModeInfo.bitsperpixel]
; cmp bl, [.color]
; jb .searchmodes
; .switchmode:
; mov cx, [.currentmode]
; mov [.mode], cx
; mov bx, [VBEModeInfo.xresolution]
; mov [.width], bx
; mov bx, [VBEModeInfo.yresolution]
; mov [.height], bx
; mov bl, [VBEModeInfo.bitsperpixel]
; mov [.color], bl
; jmp .searchmodes
; .mode dw 0
; .color db 0
; .height dw 0
; .width dw 0