218 lines
7.1 KiB
218 lines
7.1 KiB
use alloc::arc::{Arc, Weak};
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque};
use core::cell::Cell;
use core::mem::size_of;
use core::ops::DerefMut;
use core::{ptr, slice};
use syscall::{Call, Error, Result};
use super::Scheme;
/// UserScheme has to be wrapped
pub struct UserScheme {
next_id: Cell<usize>,
todo: VecDeque<(usize, (usize, usize, usize, usize))>,
done: BTreeMap<usize, (usize, usize, usize, usize)>,
impl UserScheme {
fn call(&self, a: Call, b: usize, c: usize, d: usize) -> Result<usize> {
let id = self.next_id.get();
//TODO: What should be done about collisions in self.todo or self.done?
let mut next_id = id + 1;
if next_id <= 0 {
next_id = 1;
// println!("{} {}: {} {} {:X} {:X} {:X}", UserScheme.name, id, a, ::syscall::name(a), b, c, d);
fn capture(&self, mut physical_address: usize, size: usize, writeable: bool) -> Result<usize> {
fn release(&self, virtual_address: usize) {
impl Scheme for UserScheme {
fn open(&mut self, path: &[u8], flags: usize) -> Result<usize> {
let virtual_address = try!(self.capture(path.as_ptr() as usize, path.len(), false));
let result = self.call(Call::Open, virtual_address, path.len(), flags);
fn mkdir(&mut self, path: &str, flags: usize) -> Result<()> {
let virtual_address = try!(self.capture(path.as_ptr() as usize, path.len(), false));
let result = self.call(Call::MkDir, virtual_address, path.len(), flags);
fn rmdir(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<()> {
let virtual_address = try!(self.capture(path.as_ptr() as usize, path.len(), false));
let result = self.call(SYS_RMDIR, virtual_address, path.len(), 0);
fn unlink(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<()> {
let virtual_address = try!(self.capture(path.as_ptr() as usize, path.len(), false));
let result = self.call(SYS_UNLINK, virtual_address, path.len(), 0);
/// Duplicate the resource
fn dup(&mut self, file: usize) -> Result<usize> {
self.call(Call::Dup, file, 0, 0)
/// Return the URL of this resource
fn path(&self, file: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result <usize> {
let contexts = unsafe { & *::env().contexts.get() };
let current = try!(contexts.current());
if let Ok(physical_address) = current.translate(buf.as_mut_ptr() as usize, buf.len()) {
let offset = physical_address % 4096;
let virtual_address = try!(self.capture(physical_address - offset, buf.len() + offset, true));
let result = self.call(SYS_FPATH, file, virtual_address + offset, buf.len());
//println!("Read {:X} mapped from {:X} to {:X} offset {} length {} size {} result {:?}", physical_address, buf.as_ptr() as usize, virtual_address + offset, offset, buf.len(), virtual_size, result);
} else {
println!("{}:{} fault {:X} {}", file!(), line!(), buf.as_ptr() as usize, buf.len());
/// Read data to buffer
fn read(&mut self, file: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> {
let contexts = unsafe { & *::env().contexts.get() };
let current = try!(contexts.current());
if let Ok(physical_address) = current.translate(buf.as_mut_ptr() as usize, buf.len()) {
let offset = physical_address % 4096;
let virtual_address = try!(self.capture(physical_address - offset, buf.len() + offset, true));
let result = self.call(Call::Read, file, virtual_address + offset, buf.len());
//println!("Read {:X} mapped from {:X} to {:X} offset {} length {} size {} result {:?}", physical_address, buf.as_ptr() as usize, virtual_address + offset, offset, buf.len(), virtual_size, result);
} else */
println!("{}:{} fault {:X} {}", file!(), line!(), buf.as_ptr() as usize, buf.len());
/// Write to resource
fn write(&mut self, file: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
let contexts = unsafe { & *::env().contexts.get() };
let current = try!(contexts.current());
if let Ok(physical_address) = current.translate(buf.as_ptr() as usize, buf.len()) {
let offset = physical_address % 4096;
let virtual_address = try!(self.capture(physical_address - offset, buf.len() + offset, false));
let result = self.call(Call::Write, file, virtual_address + offset, buf.len());
// println!("Write {:X} mapped from {:X} to {:X} offset {} length {} result {:?}", physical_address, buf.as_ptr() as usize, virtual_address + offset, offset, buf.len(), result);
} else */
println!("{}:{} fault {:X} {}", file!(), line!(), buf.as_ptr() as usize, buf.len());
/// Seek
fn seek(&mut self, file: usize, pos: ResourceSeek) -> Result<usize> {
let (whence, offset) = match pos {
ResourceSeek::Start(offset) => (SEEK_SET, offset as usize),
ResourceSeek::Current(offset) => (SEEK_CUR, offset as usize),
ResourceSeek::End(offset) => (SEEK_END, offset as usize)
self.call(SYS_LSEEK, file, offset, whence)
/// Stat the resource
fn stat(&self, file: usize, stat: &mut Stat) -> Result<()> {
let buf = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(stat as *mut Stat as *mut u8, size_of::<Stat>()) };
let contexts = unsafe { & *::env().contexts.get() };
let current = try!(contexts.current());
if let Ok(physical_address) = current.translate(buf.as_mut_ptr() as usize, buf.len()) {
let offset = physical_address % 4096;
let virtual_address = try!(self.capture(physical_address - offset, buf.len() + offset, true));
let result = self.call(SYS_FSTAT, file, virtual_address + offset, 0);
} else {
println!("{}:{} fault {:X} {}", file!(), line!(), buf.as_ptr() as usize, buf.len());
/// Sync the resource
fn fsync(&mut self, file: usize) -> Result<()> {
self.call(Call::FSync, file, 0, 0).and(Ok(()))
/// Truncate the resource
fn truncate(&mut self, file: usize, len: usize) -> Result<()> {
self.call(SYS_FTRUNCATE, file, len, 0).and(Ok(()))
fn close(&mut self, file: usize) -> Result<()> {
self.call(Call::Close, file, 0, 0).and(Ok(()))