78 lines
3 KiB
78 lines
3 KiB
extern crate bitflags;
extern crate dma;
extern crate io;
extern crate spin;
extern crate syscall;
use std::{env, usize};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd};
use syscall::{EVENT_READ, MAP_WRITE, Event, Packet, Scheme};
use scheme::DiskScheme;
pub mod ahci;
pub mod scheme;
fn main() {
let mut args = env::args().skip(1);
let mut name = args.next().expect("ahcid: no name provided");
let bar_str = args.next().expect("ahcid: no address provided");
let bar = usize::from_str_radix(&bar_str, 16).expect("ahcid: failed to parse address");
let irq_str = args.next().expect("ahcid: no irq provided");
let irq = irq_str.parse::<u8>().expect("ahcid: failed to parse irq");
print!("{}", format!(" + AHCI {} on: {:X} IRQ: {}\n", name, bar, irq));
// Daemonize
if unsafe { syscall::clone(0).unwrap() } == 0 {
let address = unsafe { syscall::physmap(bar, 4096, MAP_WRITE).expect("ahcid: failed to map address") };
let socket_fd = syscall::open(":disk", syscall::O_RDWR | syscall::O_CREAT | syscall::O_NONBLOCK).expect("ahcid: failed to create disk scheme");
let mut socket = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(socket_fd) };
syscall::fevent(socket_fd, EVENT_READ).expect("ahcid: failed to fevent disk scheme");
let mut irq_file = File::open(&format!("irq:{}", irq)).expect("ahcid: failed to open irq file");
let irq_fd = irq_file.as_raw_fd();
syscall::fevent(irq_fd, EVENT_READ).expect("ahcid: failed to fevent irq file");
let mut event_file = File::open("event:").expect("ahcid: failed to open event file");
let scheme = DiskScheme::new(ahci::disks(address, &name));
loop {
let mut event = Event::default();
if event_file.read(&mut event).expect("ahcid: failed to read event file") == 0 {
if event.id == socket_fd {
loop {
let mut packet = Packet::default();
if socket.read(&mut packet).expect("ahcid: failed to read disk scheme") == 0 {
scheme.handle(&mut packet);
socket.write(&mut packet).expect("ahcid: failed to write disk scheme");
} else if event.id == irq_fd {
let mut irq = [0; 8];
if irq_file.read(&mut irq).expect("ahcid: failed to read irq file") >= irq.len() {
//TODO : Test for IRQ
//irq_file.write(&irq).expect("ahcid: failed to write irq file");
} else {
println!("Unknown event {}", event.id);
unsafe { let _ = syscall::physunmap(address); }