bjorn3 5887119311 Move all system init configs to /usr/lib/init.d
This keeps /etc/init.d for local overrides without risking them getting
overwritten by system updates.
2024-01-07 18:15:34 +01:00

34 lines
493 B

# Default desktop configuration
include = ["server.toml"]
# General settings
# Filesystem size in MiB
filesystem_size = 512
# Package settings
audiod = {}
installer-gui = {}
netsurf = {}
orbdata = {}
orbital = {}
orbterm = {}
orbutils = {}
path = "/usr/lib/init.d/20_orbital"
data = """
orbital orblogin launcher
# Override console config to not switch to VT 2
path = "/usr/lib/init.d/30_console"
data = """
getty 2
getty debug: -J