222 lines
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222 lines
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//! # Schemes
//! A scheme is a primitive for handling filesystem syscalls in Redox.
//! Schemes accept paths from the kernel for `open`, and file descriptors that they generate
//! are then passed for operations like `close`, `read`, `write`, etc.
//! The kernel validates paths and file descriptors before they are passed to schemes,
//! also stripping the scheme identifier of paths if necessary.
use alloc::arc::Arc;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use collections::BTreeMap;
use core::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use spin::{Once, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard};
use syscall::error::*;
use syscall::scheme::Scheme;
use self::debug::DebugScheme;
use self::event::EventScheme;
use self::env::EnvScheme;
use self::initfs::InitFsScheme;
use self::irq::IrqScheme;
use self::null::NullScheme;
use self::pipe::PipeScheme;
use self::root::RootScheme;
use self::sys::SysScheme;
use self::zero::ZeroScheme;
/// `debug:` - provides access to serial console
pub mod debug;
/// `event:` - allows reading of `Event`s which are registered using `fevent`
pub mod event;
/// `env:` - access and modify environmental variables
pub mod env;
/// `initfs:` - a readonly filesystem used for initializing the system
pub mod initfs;
/// `irq:` - allows userspace handling of IRQs
pub mod irq;
/// `null:` - a scheme that will discard all writes, and read no bytes
pub mod null;
/// `pipe:` - used internally by the kernel to implement `pipe`
pub mod pipe;
/// `:` - allows the creation of userspace schemes, tightly dependent on `user`
pub mod root;
/// `sys:` - system information, such as the context list and scheme list
pub mod sys;
/// A wrapper around userspace schemes, tightly dependent on `root`
pub mod user;
/// `zero:` - a scheme that will discard all writes, and always fill read buffers with zero
pub mod zero;
/// Limit on number of schemes
pub const SCHEME_MAX_SCHEMES: usize = 65536;
/// Unique identifier for a scheme namespace.
int_like!(SchemeNamespace, AtomicSchemeNamespace, usize, AtomicUsize);
/// Unique identifier for a scheme.
int_like!(SchemeId, AtomicSchemeId, usize, AtomicUsize);
pub const ATOMIC_SCHEMEID_INIT: AtomicSchemeId = AtomicSchemeId::default();
/// Unique identifier for a file descriptor.
int_like!(FileHandle, AtomicFileHandle, usize, AtomicUsize);
/// Scheme list type
pub struct SchemeList {
map: BTreeMap<SchemeId, Arc<Box<Scheme + Send + Sync>>>,
names: BTreeMap<SchemeNamespace, BTreeMap<Box<[u8]>, SchemeId>>,
next_ns: usize,
next_id: usize
impl SchemeList {
/// Create a new scheme list.
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut list = SchemeList {
map: BTreeMap::new(),
names: BTreeMap::new(),
next_ns: 0,
next_id: 1
/// Initialize a new namespace
fn new_ns(&mut self) -> SchemeNamespace {
let ns = SchemeNamespace(self.next_ns);
self.next_ns += 1;
self.names.insert(ns, BTreeMap::new());
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b""), |scheme_id| Arc::new(Box::new(RootScheme::new(ns, scheme_id)))).unwrap();
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b"event"), |_| Arc::new(Box::new(EventScheme::new()))).unwrap();
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b"env"), |_| Arc::new(Box::new(EnvScheme::new()))).unwrap();
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b"null"), |_| Arc::new(Box::new(NullScheme))).unwrap();
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b"sys"), |_| Arc::new(Box::new(SysScheme::new()))).unwrap();
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b"zero"), |_| Arc::new(Box::new(ZeroScheme))).unwrap();
/// Initialize the root namespace
fn new_root(&mut self) {
// Do common namespace initialization
let ns = self.new_ns();
// Debug, Initfs and IRQ are only available in the root namespace. Pipe is special
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b"debug"), |scheme_id| Arc::new(Box::new(DebugScheme::new(scheme_id)))).unwrap();
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b"initfs"), |_| Arc::new(Box::new(InitFsScheme::new()))).unwrap();
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b"irq"), |scheme_id| Arc::new(Box::new(IrqScheme::new(scheme_id)))).unwrap();
self.insert(ns, Box::new(*b"pipe"), |scheme_id| Arc::new(Box::new(PipeScheme::new(scheme_id)))).unwrap();
pub fn setns(&mut self, from: SchemeNamespace, names: &[&[u8]]) -> Result<SchemeNamespace> {
// Create an empty namespace
let to = self.new_ns();
// Copy requested scheme IDs
for name in names.iter() {
let id = if let Some((id, _scheme)) = self.get_name(from, name) {
} else {
return Err(Error::new(ENODEV));
if let Some(ref mut names) = self.names.get_mut(&to) {
assert!(names.insert(name.to_vec().into_boxed_slice(), id).is_none());
} else {
panic!("scheme namespace not found");
pub fn iter(&self) -> ::collections::btree_map::Iter<SchemeId, Arc<Box<Scheme + Send + Sync>>> {
pub fn iter_name(&self, ns: SchemeNamespace) -> ::collections::btree_map::Iter<Box<[u8]>, SchemeId> {
/// Get the nth scheme.
pub fn get(&self, id: SchemeId) -> Option<&Arc<Box<Scheme + Send + Sync>>> {
pub fn get_name(&self, ns: SchemeNamespace, name: &[u8]) -> Option<(SchemeId, &Arc<Box<Scheme + Send + Sync>>)> {
if let Some(&id) = self.names[&ns].get(name) {
self.get(id).map(|scheme| (id, scheme))
} else {
/// Create a new scheme.
pub fn insert<F>(&mut self, ns: SchemeNamespace, name: Box<[u8]>, scheme_fn: F) -> Result<SchemeId>
where F: Fn(SchemeId) -> Arc<Box<Scheme + Send + Sync>>
if self.names[&ns].contains_key(&name) {
return Err(Error::new(EEXIST));
if self.next_id >= SCHEME_MAX_SCHEMES {
self.next_id = 1;
while self.map.contains_key(&SchemeId(self.next_id)) {
self.next_id += 1;
/* Allow scheme list to grow if required
if self.next_id >= SCHEME_MAX_SCHEMES {
return Err(Error::new(EAGAIN));
let id = SchemeId(self.next_id);
self.next_id += 1;
let scheme = scheme_fn(id);
assert!(self.map.insert(id, scheme).is_none());
if let Some(ref mut names) = self.names.get_mut(&ns) {
assert!(names.insert(name, id).is_none());
} else {
panic!("scheme namespace not found");
/// Schemes list
static SCHEMES: Once<RwLock<SchemeList>> = Once::new();
/// Initialize schemes, called if needed
fn init_schemes() -> RwLock<SchemeList> {
/// Get the global schemes list, const
pub fn schemes() -> RwLockReadGuard<'static, SchemeList> {
/// Get the global schemes list, mutable
pub fn schemes_mut() -> RwLockWriteGuard<'static, SchemeList> {