* Port previous ethernet scheme * Add ipd * Fix initfs rebuilds, use QEMU user networking addresses in ipd * Add tcp/udp, netutils, dns, and network config * Add fsync to network driver * Add dns, router, subnet by default * Fix e1000 driver. Make ethernet and IP non-blocking to avoid deadlocks * Add orbital server, WIP * Add futex * Add orbutils and orbital * Update libstd, orbutils, and orbital Move ANSI key encoding to vesad * Add orbital assets * Update orbital * Update to add login manager * Add blocking primitives, block for most things except waitpid, update orbital * Wait in waitpid and IRQ, improvements for other waits * Fevent in root scheme * WIP: Switch to using fevent * Reorganize * Event based e1000d driver * Superuser-only access to some network schemes, display, and disk * Superuser root and irq schemes * Fix orbital
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use core::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use arch;
use super::{contexts, Context, Status, CONTEXT_ID};
/// Switch to the next context
/// # Safety
/// Do not call this while holding locks!
pub unsafe fn switch() -> bool {
use core::ops::DerefMut;
// Set the global lock to avoid the unsafe operations below from causing issues
while arch::context::CONTEXT_SWITCH_LOCK.compare_and_swap(false, true, Ordering::SeqCst) {
let from_ptr;
let mut to_ptr = 0 as *mut Context;
let contexts = contexts();
let context_lock = contexts.current().expect("context::switch: Not inside of context");
let mut context = context_lock.write();
from_ptr = context.deref_mut() as *mut Context;
let check_context = |context: &mut Context| -> bool {
if context.status == Status::Blocked && context.wake.is_some() {
let wake = context.wake.expect("context::switch: wake not set");
let current = arch::time::monotonic();
if current.0 > wake.0 || (current.0 == wake.0 && current.1 >= wake.1) {
if context.status == Status::Runnable && ! context.running {
} else {
for (pid, context_lock) in contexts.iter() {
if *pid > (*from_ptr).id {
let mut context = context_lock.write();
if check_context(&mut context) {
to_ptr = context.deref_mut() as *mut Context;
if to_ptr as usize == 0 {
for (pid, context_lock) in contexts.iter() {
if *pid < (*from_ptr).id {
let mut context = context_lock.write();
if check_context(&mut context) {
to_ptr = context.deref_mut() as *mut Context;
if to_ptr as usize == 0 {
// Unset global lock if no context found
arch::context::CONTEXT_SWITCH_LOCK.store(false, Ordering::SeqCst);
return false;
//println!("Switch {} to {}", (&*from_ptr).id, (&*to_ptr).id);
(&mut *from_ptr).running = false;
(&mut *to_ptr).running = true;
if let Some(ref stack) = (*to_ptr).kstack {
arch::gdt::TSS.rsp[0] = (stack.as_ptr() as usize + stack.len() - 256) as u64;
CONTEXT_ID.store((&mut *to_ptr).id, Ordering::SeqCst);
(&mut *from_ptr).arch.switch_to(&mut (&mut *to_ptr).arch);