Fallback in ahci driver when disk: not available, ability to list disk devices

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Soller 2017-01-02 08:53:50 -07:00
parent feee00039f
commit 4b780927d2
4 changed files with 109 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ pub struct Disk {
size: u64,
clb: Dma<[HbaCmdHeader; 32]>,
ctbas: [Dma<HbaCmdTable>; 32],
fb: Dma<[u8; 256]>,
_fb: Dma<[u8; 256]>,
buf: Dma<[u8; 256 * 512]>
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ impl Disk {
size: size,
clb: clb,
ctbas: ctbas,
fb: fb,
_fb: fb,
buf: buf

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@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ pub struct HbaCmdTable {
cfis: [Mmio<u8>; 64], // Command FIS
// 0x40
acmd: [Mmio<u8>; 16], // ATAPI command, 12 or 16 bytes
_acmd: [Mmio<u8>; 16], // ATAPI command, 12 or 16 bytes
// 0x50
_rsv: [Mmio<u8>; 48], // Reserved
@ -402,12 +402,12 @@ pub struct HbaCmdTable {
pub struct HbaCmdHeader {
// DW0
cfl: Mmio<u8>, /* Command FIS length in DWORDS, 2 ~ 16, atapi: 4, write - host to device: 2, prefetchable: 1 */
pm: Mmio<u8>, // Reset - 0x80, bist: 0x40, clear busy on ok: 0x20, port multiplier
_pm: Mmio<u8>, // Reset - 0x80, bist: 0x40, clear busy on ok: 0x20, port multiplier
prdtl: Mmio<u16>, // Physical region descriptor table length in entries
// DW1
prdbc: Mmio<u32>, // Physical region descriptor byte count transferred
_prdbc: Mmio<u32>, // Physical region descriptor byte count transferred
// DW2, 3
ctba: Mmio<u64>, // Command table descriptor base address

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@ -10,14 +10,23 @@ extern crate syscall;
use std::{env, usize};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd};
use syscall::{EVENT_READ, MAP_WRITE, Event, Packet, Scheme};
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd};
use syscall::{EVENT_READ, MAP_WRITE, Event, Packet, Result, Scheme};
use scheme::DiskScheme;
pub mod ahci;
pub mod scheme;
fn create_scheme_fallback<'a>(name: &'a str, fallback: &'a str) -> Result<(&'a str, RawFd)> {
if let Ok(fd) = syscall::open(&format!(":{}", name), syscall::O_RDWR | syscall::O_CREAT | syscall::O_NONBLOCK) {
Ok((name, fd))
} else {
syscall::open(&format!(":{}", fallback), syscall::O_RDWR | syscall::O_CREAT | syscall::O_NONBLOCK)
.map(|fd| (fallback, fd))
fn main() {
let mut args = env::args().skip(1);
@ -36,7 +45,7 @@ fn main() {
if unsafe { syscall::clone(0).unwrap() } == 0 {
let address = unsafe { syscall::physmap(bar, 4096, MAP_WRITE).expect("ahcid: failed to map address") };
let socket_fd = syscall::open(":disk", syscall::O_RDWR | syscall::O_CREAT | syscall::O_NONBLOCK).expect("ahcid: failed to create disk scheme");
let (_scheme_name, socket_fd) = create_scheme_fallback("disk", &name).expect("ahcid: failed to create disk scheme");
let mut socket = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(socket_fd) };
syscall::fevent(socket_fd, EVENT_READ).expect("ahcid: failed to fevent disk scheme");

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@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::{cmp, str};
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::io::Read;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use spin::Mutex;
use syscall::{Error, EACCES, EBADF, EINVAL, ENOENT, Result, Scheme, Stat, MODE_FILE, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END, SEEK_SET};
use ahci::disk::Disk;
enum Handle {
//TODO: Make these enum variants normal tuples (), not nested tuples (())
List((Vec<u8>, usize)),
Disk((Arc<Mutex<Disk>>, usize))
pub struct DiskScheme {
disks: Box<[Arc<Mutex<Disk>>]>,
handles: Mutex<BTreeMap<usize, (Arc<Mutex<Disk>>, usize)>>,
handles: Mutex<BTreeMap<usize, Handle>>,
next_id: AtomicUsize
@ -29,18 +38,33 @@ impl DiskScheme {
impl Scheme for DiskScheme {
fn open(&self, path: &[u8], _flags: usize, uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result<usize> {
fn open(&self, path: &[u8], flags: usize, uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result<usize> {
if uid == 0 {
let path_str = str::from_utf8(path).or(Err(Error::new(ENOENT)))?;
let path_str = str::from_utf8(path).or(Err(Error::new(ENOENT)))?.trim_matches('/');
if path_str.is_empty() {
if flags & O_DIRECTORY == O_DIRECTORY || flags & O_STAT == O_STAT {
let mut list = String::new();
let i = path_str.parse::<usize>().or(Err(Error::new(ENOENT)))?;
for i in 0..self.disks.len() {
write!(list, "{}\n", i).unwrap();
if let Some(disk) = self.disks.get(i) {
let id = self.next_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
self.handles.lock().insert(id, (disk.clone(), 0));
let id = self.next_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
self.handles.lock().insert(id, Handle::List((list.into_bytes(), 0)));
} else {
} else {
let i = path_str.parse::<usize>().or(Err(Error::new(ENOENT)))?;
if let Some(disk) = self.disks.get(i) {
let id = self.next_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
self.handles.lock().insert(id, Handle::Disk((disk.clone(), 0)));
} else {
} else {
@ -61,46 +85,78 @@ impl Scheme for DiskScheme {
fn fstat(&self, id: usize, stat: &mut Stat) -> Result<usize> {
let handles = self.handles.lock();
let handle = handles.get(&id).ok_or(Error::new(EBADF))?;
stat.st_mode = MODE_FILE;
stat.st_size = handle.0.lock().size();
match *handles.get(&id).ok_or(Error::new(EBADF))? {
Handle::List(ref handle) => {
stat.st_mode = MODE_DIR;
stat.st_size = handle.0.len() as u64;
Handle::Disk(ref handle) => {
stat.st_mode = MODE_FILE;
stat.st_size = handle.0.lock().size();
fn read(&self, id: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> {
let mut handles = self.handles.lock();
let mut handle = handles.get_mut(&id).ok_or(Error::new(EBADF))?;
let mut disk = handle.0.lock();
let count = disk.read((handle.1 as u64)/512, buf)?;
handle.1 += count;
match *handles.get_mut(&id).ok_or(Error::new(EBADF))? {
Handle::List(ref mut handle) => {
let count = (&handle.0[handle.1..]).read(buf).unwrap();
handle.1 += count;
Handle::Disk(ref mut handle) => {
let mut disk = handle.0.lock();
let count = disk.read((handle.1 as u64)/512, buf)?;
handle.1 += count;
fn write(&self, id: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
let mut handles = self.handles.lock();
let mut handle = handles.get_mut(&id).ok_or(Error::new(EBADF))?;
let mut disk = handle.0.lock();
let count = disk.write((handle.1 as u64)/512, buf)?;
handle.1 += count;
match *handles.get_mut(&id).ok_or(Error::new(EBADF))? {
Handle::List(_) => {
Handle::Disk(ref mut handle) => {
let mut disk = handle.0.lock();
let count = disk.write((handle.1 as u64)/512, buf)?;
handle.1 += count;
fn seek(&self, id: usize, pos: usize, whence: usize) -> Result<usize> {
let mut handles = self.handles.lock();
let mut handle = handles.get_mut(&id).ok_or(Error::new(EBADF))?;
match *handles.get_mut(&id).ok_or(Error::new(EBADF))? {
Handle::List(ref mut handle) => {
let len = handle.0.len() as usize;
handle.1 = match whence {
SEEK_SET => cmp::min(len, pos),
SEEK_CUR => cmp::max(0, cmp::min(len as isize, handle.1 as isize + pos as isize)) as usize,
SEEK_END => cmp::max(0, cmp::min(len as isize, len as isize + pos as isize)) as usize,
_ => return Err(Error::new(EINVAL))
let len = handle.0.lock().size() as usize;
handle.1 = match whence {
SEEK_SET => cmp::min(len, pos),
SEEK_CUR => cmp::max(0, cmp::min(len as isize, handle.1 as isize + pos as isize)) as usize,
SEEK_END => cmp::max(0, cmp::min(len as isize, len as isize + pos as isize)) as usize,
_ => return Err(Error::new(EINVAL))
Handle::Disk(ref mut handle) => {
let len = handle.0.lock().size() as usize;
handle.1 = match whence {
SEEK_SET => cmp::min(len, pos),
SEEK_CUR => cmp::max(0, cmp::min(len as isize, handle.1 as isize + pos as isize)) as usize,
SEEK_END => cmp::max(0, cmp::min(len as isize, len as isize + pos as isize)) as usize,
_ => return Err(Error::new(EINVAL))
fn close(&self, id: usize) -> Result<usize> {