_**Thank you for your interest in contributing to Redox!** This document will outline the basics of where to start if you wish to contribute to the project. There are many ways to help us out and and we appreciate all of them. We look forward to **your contribution**!_
In general, your contributions to Redox are governed by the MIT License. Each project repository has a LICENSE file that provides the license terms for that project.
Please review the LICENSE for the project you are contributing to.
- OrbTk is now sunsetting, and its developers have moved to other projects such as the ones below. There is currently no Redox-specific GUI development underway.
- Redox is in the process of adopting other Rust-lang GUIs such as [Iced](https://iced.rs) and [Slint](https://slint-ui.com/). Please check out those projects if this is your area of interest.
Since **Rust** is a relatively small and new language compared to others like _C_, there's really only one standard. Just follow the official Rust standards for formatting, and maybe run `rustfmt` on your changes, until we setup the CI system to do it automatically.
If you're not big on coding, but you still want to help keep the project going, you can still contribute/support in a variety of ways! We'll try to find a way to use anything you have to offer.
If you're a good designer, whether it's _2D graphics, 3D graphics, interfaces, web design, you can help. We need logos, UI design, UI skins, app icons, desktop backgrounds, etc_. More information to come on this in the future, for now just join the [Chat](https://doc.redox-os.org/book/ch13-01-chat.html) and ask about graphic design.
### Donate to Redox
If you are interested in donating to the Redox OS nonprofit, you can find instructions [here](https://www.redox-os.org/donate/).