- /datengarten/index.html returns a blog-like list - /datengarten/index.ics returns a VCALENDAR - /datengarten/index.xml returns a schedule.xml-style view No more pretty rendering includes in the content pages, some more cleanup in the front matter
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{{ if isset .Page.Params "speaker_url" }}
<strong><i class="far fa-user fa-fw"></i></strong> <a href="{{ .Page.Params.Speaker_url }}">{{ .Page.Params.Speaker }}</a><br/>
{{ else }}
<strong><i class="far fa-user fa-fw"></i></strong> {{ .Page.Params.Speaker }}<br/>
{{ end }}
<strong><i class="far fa-calendar fa-fw"></i></strong> {{ dateFormat "02.01.2006, 15:04" .Page.Params.Event.start }} Uhr<br/>
<strong><i class="fa fa-language fa-fw"></i></strong> {{ .Page.Params.Language }}<br/>
<strong><i class="fa fa-map-marker fa-fw"></i></strong> {{ partial "location" .Page.Params.Location }}
{{ if isset .Page.Params "recording" }}
<p><strong><i class="fa fa-video fa-fw"></i></strong> <a href="{{ .Page.Params.Recording }}">{{ .Page.Params.Recording }}</a></p>
{{ else }}
{{ if and (eq .Page.Params.Streaming true) (not (isset .Page.Params "recording" )) }}
<p><strong>Stream:</strong> <a href="https://streaming.media.ccc.de/datengarten">streaming.media.ccc.de/datengarten</a></p>
{{ else }}
<p><strong><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-fw"></i></strong> Dieser Vortrag wird <strong>nicht</strong> gestreamed</a>! / This talk will <strong>not</strong> be streamed!</p>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}