new theme (work in progress)

This commit is contained in:
Marek Krug 2025-02-26 19:47:07 +01:00
parent 8c2d5c037b
commit b62b53674f
17 changed files with 840 additions and 86 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
View file

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
[submodule "beautifulhugo"]
path = themes/beautifulhugo
url =
[submodule "themes/blowfish"]
path = themes/blowfish
url =
branch = main

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 81 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 61 KiB

View file


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 78 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 78 KiB

View file


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 22 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 22 KiB

View file

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
languageCode: "de-de"
title: "Chaos Computer Club Berlin"
theme: "beautifulhugo"
RelativeURLs: true
CanonifyURLs: true
license: "CC-BY"
subtitle: "Willkommen! Wir sind ein Erfa-Kreis des Chaos Computer Club e.V. und die örtliche Niederlassung des CCC in Berlin."
logo: "img/logo.png"
favicon: "img/favicon.ico"
dateFormat: "January 2, 2006"
commit: false
rss: true
comments: true
readingTime: true
useHLJS: true
DateForm: "30.12.2006"
# for GDPR / EU-DSGVO compliance
selfHosted: true
category: "categories"
series: "series"
tag: "tags"
post: "/post/:year/:month/:day/:title/"
twitter: "clubdiscordia"
email: ""
mastodon: ""
irc: ""
- identifier: "verein"
name: "Der Verein"
weight: 200
- identifier: "veranstaltungen"
name: "Veranstaltungen"
weight: 300
- identifier: "news"
name: "News"
url: "post/"
weight: 500
- identifier: "impressum"
name: "Impressum"
url: "page/impressum/"
weight: 600
- identifier: "privacy"
name: "Privacy"
url: "page/datenschutz/"
weight: 700
- "ics"
- "rss"
- "xml"
mediaType: "application/rss"
isPlainText: true
mediaType: "application/xml"
- "HTML"
- "Calendar"
- "RSS"
- "XML"
- "HTML"
- "Calendar"

config/_default/hugo.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# -- Site Configuration --
# Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters.
theme = "blowfish" # UNCOMMENT THIS LINE
baseURL = ""
defaultContentLanguage = "de"
pluralizeListTitles = "true" # hugo function useful for non-english languages, find out more in
enableRobotsTXT = true
summaryLength = 0
buildDrafts = false
buildFuture = false
enableEmoji = true
# googleAnalytics = "G-XXXXXXXXX"
pagerSize = 100
anchor = 'Center'
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
author = "authors"
series = "series"
changefreq = 'daily'
filename = 'sitemap.xml'
priority = 0.5
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
threshold = 0
toLower = false
name = "tags"
weight = 100
name = "categories"
weight = 100
name = "series"
weight = 50
name = "authors"
weight = 20
name = "date"
weight = 10
applyFilter = false
name = 'fragmentrefs'
type = 'fragments'
weight = 10

View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
disabled = false
languageCode = "de"
languageName = "Deutsch"
weight = 1
title = "Chaos Computer Club Berlin"
displayName = "DE"
isoCode = "de"
rtl = false
dateFormat = "January 2, 2006"
logo = "img/avatar-CCCB-Logo.png"
secondaryLogo = "img/avatar-CCCB-Logo.png"
description = "Willkommen! Wir sind ein Erfa-Kreis des Chaos Computer Club e.V. und die örtliche Niederlassung des CCC in Berlin."
copyright = "CCC-BY"
# name = "Your name here"
email = ""
# image = "img/logo.png"
# imageQuality = 96
headline = "Willkommen! Wir sind ein Erfa-Kreis des Chaos Computer Club e.V. und die örtliche Niederlassung des CCC in Berlin."
# bio = "A little bit about you"
links = [
{ email = "" },
# { link = "" },
# { amazon = "" },
# { apple = "" },
# { blogger = "" },
# { bluesky = "" },
# { codepen = "" },
# { dev = "" },
# { discord = "" },
# { dribbble = "" },
# { facebook = "" },
# { flickr = "" },
# { foursquare = "" },
# { github = "" },
# { gitlab = "" },
# { google = "" },
# { hashnode = "" },
# { instagram = "" },
# { itch-io = "" },
# { keybase = "" },
# { kickstarter = "" },
# { lastfm = "" },
# { linkedin = "" },
{ mastodon = "" },
# { medium = "" },
# { microsoft = "" },
# { orcid = "" },
# { patreon = "" },
# { pinterest = "" },
# { reddit = "" },
# { researchgate = "" },
# { slack = "https://workspace.url/team/userid" },
# { snapchat = "" },
# { soundcloud = "" },
# { spotify = "" },
# { stack-overflow = "" },
# { steam = "" },
# { telegram = "" },
# { threads = "" },
# { tiktok = "" },
# { tumblr = "" },
# { twitch = "" },
# { twitter = "" },
# { x-twitter = "" },
# { whatsapp = "" },
# { youtube = "" },
# { ko-fi = "" },
# { codeberg = ""},

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# -- Markup --
# These settings are required for the theme to function.
unsafe = true
noClasses = false
startLevel = 2
endLevel = 4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# -- Main Menu --
# The main menu is displayed in the header at the top of the page.
# Acceptable parameters are name, pageRef, page, url, title, weight.
# The simplest menu configuration is to provide:
# name = The name to be displayed for this menu link
# pageRef = The identifier of the page or section to link to
# By default the menu is ordered alphabetically. This can be
# overridden by providing a weight value. The menu will then be
# ordered by weight from lowest to highest.
# name = "Blog"
# pageRef = "posts"
# weight = 10
name = "verein"
pageRef = "verein"
weight = 200
name = "veranstaltungen"
pageRef = "veranstaltungen"
weight = 300
name = "News"
pageRef = "post"
weight = 400
name = "Impressum"
pageRef = "page/impressum/"
weight = 500
# -- Footer Menu --
# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
name = "Tags"
pageRef = "tags"
weight = 10
name = "Categories"
pageRef = "categories"
weight = 20

config/_default/params.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
# -- Theme Options --
# These options control how the theme functions and allow you to
# customise the display of your website.
# Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters.
colorScheme = "fira" # "congo"
defaultAppearance = "light" # valid options: light or dark
autoSwitchAppearance = true
enableSearch = true
enableCodeCopy = false
replyByEmail = false
# mainSections = ["section1", "section2"]
# robots = ""
disableImageOptimization = false
disableTextInHeader = false
backgroundImageWidth = 1200
defaultBackgroundImage = "/img/cccb-im-winter.jpg" # used as default for background images
defaultFeaturedImage = "img/avatar-CCCB-Logo.png" # used as default for featured images in all articles
# highlightCurrentMenuArea = true
# smartTOC = true
# smartTOCHideUnfocusedChildren = true
giteaDefaultServer = ""
forgejoDefaultServer = ""
layout = "fixed-fill-blur" # valid options: basic, fixed, fixed-fill, fixed-gradient, fixed-fill-blur
showMenu = true
showCopyright = true
showThemeAttribution = true
showAppearanceSwitcher = true
showScrollToTop = true
layout = "background" # valid options: page, profile, hero, card, background, custom
homepageImage = "img/cccb-im-winter.jpg" # used in: hero, and card
showRecent = true
showRecentItems = 5
showMoreLink = true
showMoreLinkDest = "/posts/"
cardView = false
cardViewScreenWidth = false
layoutBackgroundBlur = false # only used when layout equals background
showDate = true
showViews = false
showLikes = false
showDateOnlyInArticle = false
showDateUpdated = false
showAuthor = true
# showAuthorBottom = false
showHero = false
# heroStyle = "basic" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
layoutBackgroundBlur = true # only used when heroStyle equals background or thumbAndBackground
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace = true # only used when heroStyle equals background
showBreadcrumbs = false
showDraftLabel = true
showEdit = false
# editURL = ""
editAppendPath = true
seriesOpened = false
showHeadingAnchors = true
showPagination = true
invertPagination = false
showReadingTime = true
showTableOfContents = false
# showRelatedContent = false
# relatedContentLimit = 3
showTaxonomies = false
showAuthorsBadges = false
showWordCount = true
# sharingLinks = [ "linkedin", "twitter", "bluesky", "mastodon", "reddit", "pinterest", "facebook", "email", "whatsapp", "telegram"]
showZenMode = false
showHero = false
# heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
layoutBackgroundBlur = true # only used when heroStyle equals background or thumbAndBackground
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace = true # only used when heroStyle equals background
showBreadcrumbs = false
showSummary = false
showViews = false
showLikes = false
showTableOfContents = false
showCards = false
orderByWeight = false
groupByYear = true
cardView = false
cardViewScreenWidth = false
constrainItemsWidth = false
excludedKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]
showTermCount = true
showHero = false
# heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
showBreadcrumbs = false
showViews = false
showLikes = false
showTableOfContents = false
cardView = false
showHero = false
# heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
showBreadcrumbs = false
showViews = false
showLikes = false
showTableOfContents = true
groupByYear = false
cardView = false
cardViewScreenWidth = false
# apiKey = "XXXXXX"
# authDomain = "XXXXXX"
# projectId = "XXXXXX"
# storageBucket = "XXXXXX"
# messagingSenderId = "XXXXXX"
# appId = "XXXXXX"
# measurementId = "XXXXXX"
# site = "ABC12345"
# domain = ""
# websiteid = "ABC12345"
# domain = ""
# dataDomains = ","
# scriptName = ""
# enableTrackEvent = true
# token = "XXXXXX"
# enableTrackEvent = true
# identifier = ""
# globalWidget = true
# globalWidgetMessage = "Hello"
# globalWidgetColor = "#FFDD00"
# globalWidgetPosition = "Right"
# google = ""
# bing = ""
# pinterest = ""
# yandex = ""
# fediverse = ""
# feedId = ""
# userId = ""

content/page/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
title: "Kalender"
subtitle: "Der Kalender des CCCB"
date: 2025-02-26T10:00:00+02:00
parent: "verein"
<!-- Kalender-Widget -->
.calendar-container {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
width: 100%;
gap: 20px;
#calendar {
flex: 1;
min-width: 300px;
#event-panel {
flex: 1;
min-width: 300px;
background-color: var(--color-bg-secondary);
padding: 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
min-height: 300px;
display: none;
#calendar-controls {
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 10px;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
#calendar-controls button {
background: none;
border: none;
font-size: 2em;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 5px 15px;
#calendar-table {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;
#calendar-table th, #calendar-table td {
border: 1px solid var(--color-border);
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: top;
height: 60px;
width: 14.28%;
#calendar-table th {
background-color: var(--color-bg-secondary);
#calendar-table td {
background-color: var(--color-bg-primary);
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
#calendar-table td:hover {
background-color: var(--color-bg-hover);
.event-dot {
height: 8px;
width: 8px;
background-color: greenyellow;
border-radius: 50%;
display: block;
margin: 5px auto 0;
.has-event {
background-color: var(--color-bg-secondary) !important;
.selected-day {
background-color: var(--color-bg-hover) !important;
font-weight: bold;
#event-date {
font-size: 1.2em;
margin-bottom: 15px;
.event-item {
margin-bottom: 15px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-border);
.event-title {
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.event-time, .event-description {
font-size: 0.9em;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.no-events {
font-style: italic;
color: var(--color-text-secondary);
<div class="calendar-container">
<div id="calendar">
<div id="calendar-controls">
<button id="prev-month">&larr;</button>
<span id="current-month"></span>
<button id="next-month">&rarr;</button>
<table id="calendar-table">
<tbody id="calendar-body"></tbody>
<div id="event-panel">
<div id="event-date"></div>
<div id="event-details"></div>
let events = [];
let eventsByDate = {};
// Funktion zum Parsen der ICS-Datei
function parseICS(icsText) {
let events = [];
let lines = icsText.split(/\r?\n/);
let event = null;
lines.forEach(line => {
if (line.startsWith("BEGIN:VEVENT")) {
event = {};
} else if (line.startsWith("END:VEVENT")) {
if (event) events.push(event);
event = null;
} else if (event) {
let colonIndex = line.indexOf(":");
if (colonIndex > -1) {
let key = line.substring(0, colonIndex);
let value = line.substring(colonIndex + 1);
if (key.startsWith("DTSTART")) {
event.start = value;
} else if (key.startsWith("DTEND")) {
event.end = value;
} else if (key.startsWith("SUMMARY")) {
event.summary = value;
} else if (key.startsWith("DESCRIPTION")) {
event.description = value;
return events;
// Hilfsfunktion: Parst einen ICS-Datum-String ins Format "YYYY-MM-DD"
function parseDateString(icsDateStr) {
// Erwartet entweder ganztägige Daten (YYYYMMDD) oder Datum+Zeit (YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ)
if (icsDateStr.length === 8) {
let year = icsDateStr.substring(0, 4);
let month = icsDateStr.substring(4, 6);
let day = icsDateStr.substring(6, 8);
return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;
} else if (icsDateStr.length >= 15) {
let year = icsDateStr.substring(0, 4);
let month = icsDateStr.substring(4, 6);
let day = icsDateStr.substring(6, 8);
return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;
return null;
// Kalender initialisieren
let currentYear, currentMonth;
const currentMonthElem = document.getElementById("current-month");
const calendarBody = document.getElementById("calendar-body");
const eventPanel = document.getElementById("event-panel");
const eventDateElem = document.getElementById("event-date");
const eventDetailsElem = document.getElementById("event-details");
document.getElementById("prev-month").addEventListener("click", function(){
if (currentMonth < 0) {
currentMonth = 11;
renderCalendar(currentYear, currentMonth);
document.getElementById("next-month").addEventListener("click", function(){
if (currentMonth > 11) {
currentMonth = 0;
renderCalendar(currentYear, currentMonth);
function renderCalendar(year, month) {
// Setze die Monatsbeschriftung (in Deutsch)
const monthNames = ["Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember"];
currentMonthElem.textContent = monthNames[month] + " " + year;
calendarBody.innerHTML = "";
let firstDay = new Date(year, month, 1);
let firstDayIndex = (firstDay.getDay() + 6) % 7; // Montag = 0, Dienstag = 1, etc.
let daysInMonth = new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
let row = document.createElement("tr");
// Leere Zellen vor dem 1. Tag
for (let i = 0; i < firstDayIndex; i++){
let cell = document.createElement("td");
// Tage hinzufügen
for (let day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; day++){
if (row.children.length === 7) {
row = document.createElement("tr");
let cell = document.createElement("td");
cell.innerHTML = "<strong>" + day + "</strong>";
let dayStr = day < 10 ? "0" + day : day;
let monthStr = (month + 1) < 10 ? "0" + (month + 1) : (month + 1);
let dateKey = year + "-" + monthStr + "-" + dayStr;
if (eventsByDate[dateKey]) {
let eventDot = document.createElement("div");
eventDot.className = "event-dot";
cell.dataset.dateKey = dateKey;
cell.addEventListener("click", function() {
// Clear previous selections
document.querySelectorAll('.selected-day').forEach(el => {
// Falls die letzte Zeile nicht komplett ist
while (row.children.length < 7) {
let cell = document.createElement("td");
function createEventLink(eventTitle) {
if (eventTitle.startsWith("Datengarten")) {
// Extract the number after "Datengarten "
const match = eventTitle.match(/Datengarten\s+(\d+)/i);
if (match && match[1]) {
return `${match[1]}/`;
// For other titles, convert to lowercase and use as path
const slug = eventTitle.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/[^\w-]/g, '');
return `${slug}/`;
function showEventDetails(dateKey) {
const events = eventsByDate[dateKey];
eventDateElem.textContent = formatDate(dateKey);
eventDetailsElem.innerHTML = "";
if (events && events.length > 0) {
events.forEach(ev => {
let eventItem = document.createElement("div");
eventItem.className = "event-item";
let eventTitle = document.createElement("div");
eventTitle.className = "event-title";
// Create a link for the event title
let titleLink = document.createElement("a");
titleLink.textContent = ev.summary;
titleLink.href = createEventLink(ev.summary); = "_blank";
let eventTime = document.createElement("div");
eventTime.className = "event-time";
eventTime.textContent = `Start: ${formatTime(ev.start)}, End: ${formatTime(ev.end)}`;
if (ev.description) {
let eventDescription = document.createElement("div");
eventDescription.className = "event-description";
eventDescription.textContent = ev.description;
} else {
let noEvents = document.createElement("div");
noEvents.className = "no-events";
noEvents.textContent = "Keine Veranstaltungen an diesem Tag.";
} = "block";
function formatDate(dateStr) {
// Convert YYYY-MM-DD to DD.MM.YYYY
const parts = dateStr.split("-");
return `${parts[2]}.${parts[1]}.${parts[0]}`;
function formatTime(icsTimeStr) {
// Format time for display
if (icsTimeStr.length === 8) {
// All-day event
return "Ganztägig";
} else if (icsTimeStr.length >= 15) {
// Time-specific event
const hour = icsTimeStr.substring(9, 11);
const minute = icsTimeStr.substring(11, 13);
return `${hour}:${minute}`;
return icsTimeStr;
// ICS-Datei abrufen und Events verarbeiten
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
events = parseICS(data);
events.forEach(ev => {
let dateKey = parseDateString(ev.start);
if (dateKey) {
if (!eventsByDate[dateKey]) {
eventsByDate[dateKey] = [];
let today = new Date();
currentYear = today.getFullYear();
currentMonth = today.getMonth();
renderCalendar(currentYear, currentMonth);
.catch(err => console.error('Fehler beim Laden der ICS-Datei:', err));

View file

@ -6,4 +6,9 @@ menu:
parent: "verein"
{{< gallery dir="/img/club/" caption-position="none"/>}}
{{< gallery >}}
<img src="/img/club/27479845037_9e4ece985c.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
<img src="/img/club/27480379957_c09e86189b.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
<img src="/img/club/27481915157_3cde02aaa3.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
<img src="/img/club/27481933907_f240f4232d.jpg" class="grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25" />
{{< /gallery >}}

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ EXDATE;TZID=Europe/Berlin:{{.}}
{{end -}}
LOCATION:{{with .Params.location}}{{.}}{{else}}CCCB{{end}}
DESCRIPTION:{{- .Content | plainify | replaceRE "\n" "\\n" | replaceRE ":" "\\:" -}}
{{end -}}

old_config.yaml.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
languageCode: "de-de"
# title: "Chaos Computer Club Berlin"
theme: "blowfish"
RelativeURLs: true
CanonifyURLs: true
# Params:
# license: "CC-BY"
# subtitle: "Willkommen! Wir sind ein Erfa-Kreis des Chaos Computer Club e.V. und die örtliche Niederlassung des CCC in Berlin."
# logo: "img/avatar-CCCB-Logo.png"
# favicon: "img/favicon.ico"
# dateFormat: "January 2, 2006"
# commit: false
# rss: true
# comments: true
# readingTime: true
# useHLJS: true
# DateForm: "30.12.2006"
# # for GDPR / EU-DSGVO compliance
# selfHosted: true
# taxonomies:
# category: "categories"
# series: "series"
# tag: "tags"
# permalinks:
# post: "/post/:year/:month/:day/:title/"
# Author:
# twitter: "clubdiscordia"
# email: ""
# mastodon: ""
# irc: ""
# menu:
# main:
# - identifier: "verein"
# name: "Der Verein"
# weight: 200
# - identifier: "veranstaltungen"
# name: "Veranstaltungen"
# weight: 300
# - identifier: "news"
# name: "News"
# url: "post/"
# weight: 500
# - identifier: "impressum"
# name: "Impressum"
# url: "page/impressum/"
# weight: 600
# - identifier: "privacy"
# name: "Privacy"
# url: "page/datenschutz/"
# weight: 700
# mediaTypes:
# text/calendar":
# suffixes:
# - "ics"
# application/rss:
# suffixes:
# - "rss"
# application/xml:
# suffixes:
# - "xml"
# outputFormats:
# RSS:
# mediaType: "application/rss"
# XML:
# isPlainText: true
# mediaType: "application/xml"
# outputs:
# section:
# - "HTML"
# - "Calendar"
# - "RSS"
# - "XML"
# page:
# - "HTML"
# - "Calendar"

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.6 MiB

themes/blowfish Submodule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 96a116a8b0354fc1042c968608a5c1f3001bcbef