// This code is generated by csbindgen.
#pragma warning disable CS8500
#pragma warning disable CS8981
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ServicePoint2.BindGen
public static unsafe partial class NativeMethods
const string __DllName = "servicepoint2";
/// Creates a new `BitVec` instance. The returned instance has to be freed with `bit_vec_dealloc`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_new", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern BitVec* sp2_bit_vec_new(nuint size);
/// Loads a `BitVec` from the provided data. The returned instance has to be freed with `bit_vec_dealloc`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_load", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern BitVec* sp2_bit_vec_load(byte* data, nuint data_length);
/// Clones a `BitVec`. The returned instance has to be freed with `bit_vec_dealloc`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_clone", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern BitVec* sp2_bit_vec_clone(BitVec* @this);
/// Deallocates a `BitVec`. Note: do not call this if the grid has been consumed in another way, e.g. to create a command.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_dealloc", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_bit_vec_dealloc(BitVec* @this);
/// Gets the value of a bit from the `BitVec`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_get", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
public static extern bool sp2_bit_vec_get(BitVec* @this, nuint index);
/// Sets the value of a bit in the `BitVec`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_set", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
public static extern bool sp2_bit_vec_set(BitVec* @this, nuint index, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool value);
/// Sets the value of all bits in the `BitVec`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_fill", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_bit_vec_fill(BitVec* @this, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool value);
/// Gets the length of the `BitVec` in bits.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_len", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern nuint sp2_bit_vec_len(BitVec* @this);
/// Returns true if length is 0.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_is_empty", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
public static extern bool sp2_bit_vec_is_empty(BitVec* @this);
/// Gets an unsafe reference to the data of the `BitVec` instance. ## Safety The caller has to make sure to never access the returned memory after the `BitVec` instance has been consumed or manually deallocated. Reading and writing concurrently to either the original instance or the returned data will result in undefined behavior.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_bit_vec_unsafe_data_ref", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern CByteSlice sp2_bit_vec_unsafe_data_ref(BitVec* @this);
/// Creates a new `ByteGrid` instance. The returned instance has to be freed with `byte_grid_dealloc`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_new", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern ByteGrid* sp2_byte_grid_new(nuint width, nuint height);
/// Loads a `ByteGrid` with the specified dimensions from the provided data. The returned instance has to be freed with `byte_grid_dealloc`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_load", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern ByteGrid* sp2_byte_grid_load(nuint width, nuint height, byte* data, nuint data_length);
/// Clones a `ByteGrid`. The returned instance has to be freed with `byte_grid_dealloc`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_clone", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern ByteGrid* sp2_byte_grid_clone(ByteGrid* @this);
/// Deallocates a `ByteGrid`. Note: do not call this if the grid has been consumed in another way, e.g. to create a command.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_dealloc", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_byte_grid_dealloc(ByteGrid* @this);
/// Get the current value at the specified position
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_get", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern byte sp2_byte_grid_get(ByteGrid* @this, nuint x, nuint y);
/// Sets the current value at the specified position
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_set", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_byte_grid_set(ByteGrid* @this, nuint x, nuint y, byte value);
/// Fills the whole `ByteGrid` with the specified value
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_fill", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_byte_grid_fill(ByteGrid* @this, byte value);
/// Gets the width in pixels of the `ByteGrid` instance.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_width", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern nuint sp2_byte_grid_width(ByteGrid* @this);
/// Gets the height in pixels of the `ByteGrid` instance.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_height", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern nuint sp2_byte_grid_height(ByteGrid* @this);
/// Gets an unsafe reference to the data of the `ByteGrid` instance. ## Safety The caller has to make sure to never access the returned memory after the `ByteGrid` instance has been consumed or manually deallocated. Reading and writing concurrently to either the original instance or the returned data will result in undefined behavior.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_byte_grid_unsafe_data_ref", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern CByteSlice sp2_byte_grid_unsafe_data_ref(ByteGrid* @this);
/// Tries to turn a `Packet` into a `Command`. The packet is gets deallocated in the process. Returns: pointer to command or NULL
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_try_from_packet", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_try_from_packet(Packet* packet);
/// Clones a `Command` instance
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_clone", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_clone(Command* original);
/// Allocates a new `Command::Clear` instance
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_clear", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_clear();
/// Allocates a new `Command::HardReset` instance
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_hard_reset", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_hard_reset();
/// Allocates a new `Command::FadeOut` instance
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_fade_out", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_fade_out();
/// Allocates a new `Command::Brightness` instance
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_brightness", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_brightness(byte brightness);
/// Allocates a new `Command::CharBrightness` instance. The passed `ByteGrid` gets deallocated in the process.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_char_brightness", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_char_brightness(ushort x, ushort y, ByteGrid* byte_grid);
/// Allocates a new `Command::BitmapLinear` instance. The passed `BitVec` gets deallocated in the process.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_bitmap_linear", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_bitmap_linear(ushort offset, BitVec* bit_vec, CompressionCode compression);
/// Allocates a new `Command::BitmapLinearAnd` instance. The passed `BitVec` gets deallocated in the process.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_bitmap_linear_and", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_bitmap_linear_and(ushort offset, BitVec* bit_vec, CompressionCode compression);
/// Allocates a new `Command::BitmapLinearOr` instance. The passed `BitVec` gets deallocated in the process.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_bitmap_linear_or", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_bitmap_linear_or(ushort offset, BitVec* bit_vec, CompressionCode compression);
/// Allocates a new `Command::BitmapLinearXor` instance. The passed `BitVec` gets deallocated in the process.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_bitmap_linear_xor", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_bitmap_linear_xor(ushort offset, BitVec* bit_vec, CompressionCode compression);
/// Allocates a new `Command::Cp437Data` instance. The passed `ByteGrid` gets deallocated in the process.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_cp437_data", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_cp437_data(ushort x, ushort y, ByteGrid* byte_grid);
/// Allocates a new `Command::BitmapLinearWin` instance. The passed `PixelGrid` gets deallocated in the process.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_bitmap_linear_win", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Command* sp2_command_bitmap_linear_win(ushort x, ushort y, PixelGrid* byte_grid, CompressionCode compression_code);
/// Deallocates a `Command`. Note that connection_send does this implicitly, so you only need to do this if you use the library for parsing commands.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_command_dealloc", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_command_dealloc(Command* ptr);
/// Creates a new instance of Connection. The returned instance has to be deallocated with `connection_dealloc`. returns: NULL if connection fails or connected instance Panics: bad string encoding
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_connection_open", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Connection* sp2_connection_open(byte* host);
/// Sends the command instance. The instance is consumed / destroyed and cannot be used after this call.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_connection_send", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
public static extern bool sp2_connection_send(Connection* connection, Packet* command_ptr);
/// Closes and deallocates a connection instance
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_connection_dealloc", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_connection_dealloc(Connection* ptr);
/// Creates a new `PixelGrid` instance. The returned instance has to be freed with `pixel_grid_dealloc`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_new", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern PixelGrid* sp2_pixel_grid_new(nuint width, nuint height);
/// Loads a `PixelGrid` with the specified dimensions from the provided data. The returned instance has to be freed with `pixel_grid_dealloc`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_load", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern PixelGrid* sp2_pixel_grid_load(nuint width, nuint height, byte* data, nuint data_length);
/// Clones a `PixelGrid`. The returned instance has to be freed with `pixel_grid_dealloc`.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_clone", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern PixelGrid* sp2_pixel_grid_clone(PixelGrid* @this);
/// Deallocates a `PixelGrid`. Note: do not call this if the grid has been consumed in another way, e.g. to create a command.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_dealloc", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_pixel_grid_dealloc(PixelGrid* @this);
/// Get the current value at the specified position
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_get", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
public static extern bool sp2_pixel_grid_get(PixelGrid* @this, nuint x, nuint y);
/// Sets the current value at the specified position
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_set", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_pixel_grid_set(PixelGrid* @this, nuint x, nuint y, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool value);
/// Fills the whole `PixelGrid` with the specified value
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_fill", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_pixel_grid_fill(PixelGrid* @this, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool value);
/// Gets the width in pixels of the `PixelGrid` instance.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_width", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern nuint sp2_pixel_grid_width(PixelGrid* @this);
/// Gets the height in pixels of the `PixelGrid` instance.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_height", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern nuint sp2_pixel_grid_height(PixelGrid* @this);
/// Gets an unsafe reference to the data of the `PixelGrid` instance. ## Safety The caller has to make sure to never access the returned memory after the `PixelGrid` instance has been consumed or manually deallocated. Reading and writing concurrently to either the original instance or the returned data will result in undefined behavior.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_pixel_grid_unsafe_data_ref", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern CByteSlice sp2_pixel_grid_unsafe_data_ref(PixelGrid* @this);
/// Turns a `Command` into a `Packet`. The command gets deallocated in the process.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_packet_from_command", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Packet* sp2_packet_from_command(Command* command);
/// Tries to load a `Packet` from the passed array with the specified length. returns: NULL in case of an error, pointer to the allocated packet otherwise
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_packet_try_load", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern Packet* sp2_packet_try_load(byte* data, nuint length);
/// Deallocates a `Packet`. Note: do not call this if the instance has been consumed in another way, e.g. by sending it.
[DllImport(__DllName, EntryPoint = "sp2_packet_dealloc", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void sp2_packet_dealloc(Packet* @this);
public unsafe partial struct BitVec
public unsafe partial struct ByteGrid
public unsafe partial struct Connection
public unsafe partial struct PixelGrid
public unsafe partial struct CByteSlice
public byte* start;
public nuint length;
public unsafe partial struct Packet
public enum Command
public enum CompressionCode : ushort
Uncompressed = 0,
Zlib = 26490,
Bzip2 = 25210,
Lzma = 27770,
Zstd = 31347,