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61 lines
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namespace TanksServer.TickSteps;
internal sealed class MoveTanks(
TankManager tanks, IOptions<TanksConfiguration> options, MapService map
) : ITickStep
private readonly TanksConfiguration _config = options.Value;
public Task TickAsync()
foreach (var tank in tanks)
tank.Moved = TryMoveTank(tank);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private bool TryMoveTank(Tank tank)
var player = tank.Owner;
double speed;
switch (player.Controls)
case { Forward: false, Backward: false }:
case { Forward: true, Backward: true }:
return false;
case { Forward: true }:
speed = +_config.MoveSpeed;
case { Backward: true }:
speed = -_config.MoveSpeed;
return false;
var angle = tank.Rotation / 16d * 2d * Math.PI;
var newX = tank.Position.X + Math.Sin(angle) * speed;
var newY = tank.Position.Y - Math.Cos(angle) * speed;
return TryMoveTankTo(tank, new FloatPosition(newX, newY))
|| TryMoveTankTo(tank, tank.Position with { X = newX })
|| TryMoveTankTo(tank, tank.Position with { Y = newY });
private bool TryMoveTankTo(Tank tank, FloatPosition newPosition)
var x0 = (int)Math.Floor(newPosition.X / MapService.TileSize);
var x1 = (int)Math.Ceiling(newPosition.X / MapService.TileSize);
var y0 = (int)Math.Floor(newPosition.Y / MapService.TileSize);
var y1 = (int)Math.Ceiling(newPosition.Y / MapService.TileSize);
TilePosition[] positions = { new(x0, y0), new(x0, y1), new(x1, y0), new(x1, y1) };
if (positions.Any(map.IsCurrentlyWall))
return false;
tank.Position = newPosition;
return true;