import useWebSocket from 'react-use-websocket'; import {useEffect, useRef} from 'react'; import './ClientScreen.css'; import {statusTextForReadyState} from './statusTextForReadyState.tsx'; const pixelsPerRow = 352; const pixelsPerCol = 160; const onColor = [0, 180, 0, 255]; const offColor = [0, 0, 0, 255]; function getIndexes(bitIndex: number) { return { byteIndex: Math.floor(bitIndex / 8), bitInByteIndex: 7 - bitIndex % 8 }; } function drawPixelsToCanvas(pixels: Uint8Array, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) { const drawContext = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (!drawContext) throw new Error('could not get draw context'); const imageData = drawContext.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, {colorSpace: 'srgb'}); const data =; for (let y = 0; y < canvas.height; y++) { const rowStartPixelIndex = y * pixelsPerRow; for (let x = 0; x < canvas.width; x++) { const pixelIndex = rowStartPixelIndex + x; const {byteIndex, bitInByteIndex} = getIndexes(pixelIndex); const mask = (1 << bitInByteIndex); const isOn = (pixels[byteIndex] & mask) !== 0; const color = isOn ? onColor : offColor; for (let colorChannel of [0, 1, 2, 3]) data[pixelIndex * 4 + colorChannel] = color[colorChannel]; } } drawContext.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); } export default function ClientScreen({}: {}) { const canvasRef = useRef(null); const { readyState, lastMessage, sendMessage, getWebSocket } = useWebSocket(import.meta.env.VITE_TANK_SCREEN_URL, { shouldReconnect: () => true, }); const socket = getWebSocket(); if (socket) (socket as WebSocket).binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; useEffect(() => { if (lastMessage === null) return; if (canvasRef.current === null) throw new Error('canvas null'); drawPixelsToCanvas(new Uint8Array(, canvasRef.current); sendMessage(''); }, [lastMessage, canvasRef.current]); return <> The screen is currently {statusTextForReadyState[readyState]} ; }