move upgrades to tank, serialize objects directly
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,29 +46,35 @@ export default function PlayerInfo({player}: { player: string }) {
if (!lastJsonMessage || readyState !== ReadyState.OPEN)
return <></>;
let position = '';
if (lastJsonMessage.tank)
position = `(${Math.round(lastJsonMessage.tank.position.x)}|${Math.round(lastJsonMessage.tank.position.y)})`;
return <Column className="PlayerInfo">
Playing as {}
Playing as {}
<ScoreRow name="magazine" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.magazine}/>
<ScoreRow name="controls" value={lastJsonMessage.controls}/>
<ScoreRow name="position" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.position}/>
<ScoreRow name="position" value={position}/>
<ScoreRow name="orientation" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.orientation}/>
<ScoreRow name="bullet speed" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.bulletStats.speed}/>
<ScoreRow name="bullet acceleration" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.bulletStats.acceleration}/>
<ScoreRow name="smart bullets" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?}/>
<ScoreRow name="explosive bullets" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.bulletStats.explosive}/>
<ScoreRow name="kills" value={lastJsonMessage.player.scores.kills}/>
<ScoreRow name="deaths" value={lastJsonMessage.player.scores.deaths}/>
<ScoreRow name="walls destroyed" value={lastJsonMessage.player.scores.wallsDestroyed}/>
<ScoreRow name="bullets fired" value={lastJsonMessage.player.scores.shotsFired}/>
<ScoreRow name="power ups collected" value={lastJsonMessage.player.scores.powerUpsCollected}/>
<ScoreRow name="pixels moved" value={lastJsonMessage.player.scores.pixelsMoved}/>
<ScoreRow name="score" value={lastJsonMessage.player.scores.overallScore}/>
<ScoreRow name="moving" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.moving}/>
<ScoreRow name="kills" value={lastJsonMessage.scores.kills}/>
<ScoreRow name="deaths" value={lastJsonMessage.scores.deaths}/>
<ScoreRow name="walls destroyed" value={lastJsonMessage.scores.wallsDestroyed}/>
<ScoreRow name="bullets fired" value={lastJsonMessage.scores.shotsFired}/>
<ScoreRow name="power ups collected" value={lastJsonMessage.scores.powerUpsCollected}/>
<ScoreRow name="pixels moved" value={lastJsonMessage.scores.pixelsMoved}/>
<ScoreRow name="score" value={lastJsonMessage.scores.overallScore}/>
<ScoreRow name="connections" value={lastJsonMessage.openConnections}/>
<ScoreRow name="connections" value={lastJsonMessage.player.openConnections}/>
@ -14,24 +14,32 @@ export type Scores = {
readonly pixelsMoved: number;
export type Player = {
readonly name: string;
readonly scores: Scores;
type TankInfo = {
readonly magazine: string;
type Tank = {
readonly position: { x: number; y: number };
readonly orientation: number;
readonly moving: boolean;
readonly bulletStats: BulletStats;
readonly reloadingUntil: string;
readonly nextShotAfter: string;
readonly magazine: {
readonly empty: boolean;
readonly usedBullets: number;
readonly maxBullets: number;
readonly displayString: string;
export type Player = {
readonly name: string;
readonly scores: Scores;
readonly openConnections: number;
readonly lastInput: string;
export type PlayerInfoMessage = {
readonly name: string;
readonly scores: Scores;
readonly player: Player;
readonly controls: string;
readonly tank?: TankInfo;
readonly openConnections: number;
readonly tank?: Tank;
export type MapInfo = {
@ -40,6 +48,13 @@ export type MapInfo = {
readonly preview: string;
export type BulletStats = {
speed: number;
acceleration: number,
explosive: boolean,
smart: boolean
export function useMyWebSocket<T = unknown>(url: string, options: Options = {}) {
return useWebSocket<T>(url, {
shouldReconnect: () => true,
@ -2,19 +2,27 @@ using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TanksServer.GameLogic;
internal sealed class CollectPowerUp(
MapEntityManager entityManager
) : ITickStep
internal sealed class CollectPowerUp : ITickStep
private readonly Predicate<PowerUp> _collectPredicate = b => TryCollect(b, entityManager.Tanks);
private readonly Predicate<PowerUp> _collectPredicate;
private readonly GameRules _rules;
private readonly MapEntityManager _entityManager;
public CollectPowerUp(MapEntityManager entityManager,
IOptions<GameRules> options)
_entityManager = entityManager;
_rules = options.Value;
_collectPredicate = b => TryCollect(b, entityManager.Tanks);
public ValueTask TickAsync(TimeSpan delta)
return ValueTask.CompletedTask;
private static bool TryCollect(PowerUp powerUp, IEnumerable<Tank> tanks)
private bool TryCollect(PowerUp powerUp, IEnumerable<Tank> tanks)
var position = powerUp.Position;
foreach (var tank in tanks)
@ -34,32 +42,38 @@ internal sealed class CollectPowerUp(
return false;
private static void ApplyPowerUpEffect(PowerUp powerUp, Tank tank)
private void ApplyPowerUpEffect(PowerUp powerUp, Tank tank)
switch (powerUp.Type)
case PowerUpType.MagazineType:
if (powerUp.MagazineType == null)
throw new UnreachableException();
tank.Magazine = tank.Magazine with
Type = tank.Magazine.Type | powerUp.MagazineType.Value,
UsedBullets = 0
if (tank.ReloadingUntil >= DateTime.Now)
tank.ReloadingUntil = DateTime.Now;
case PowerUpType.MagazineSize:
tank.Magazine = tank.Magazine with
tank.MaxBullets = (byte)int.Clamp(tank.MaxBullets + 1, 1, 32);
case PowerUpType.BulletAcceleration:
tank.BulletStats = tank.BulletStats with
MaxBullets = (byte)int.Clamp(tank.Magazine.MaxBullets + 1, 1, 32)
Acceleration = tank.BulletStats.Acceleration * _rules.BulletAccelerationUpgradeStrength
case PowerUpType.ExplosiveBullets:
tank.BulletStats = tank.BulletStats with { Explosive = true };
case PowerUpType.SmartBullets:
tank.BulletStats = tank.BulletStats with { Smart = true };
case PowerUpType.BulletSpeed:
tank.BulletStats = tank.BulletStats with
Speed = tank.BulletStats.Speed * _rules.BulletSpeedUpgradeStrength
throw new UnreachableException();
throw new NotImplementedException($"unknown type {powerUp.Type}");
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ internal sealed class CollideBullets : ITickStep
if (bullet.Timeout > DateTime.Now)
return false;
ExplodeAt(bullet.Position.ToPixelPosition(), bullet.IsExplosive, bullet.Owner);
ExplodeAt(bullet.Position.ToPixelPosition(), bullet.Stats.Explosive, bullet.Owner);
return true;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ internal sealed class CollideBullets : ITickStep
if (!_map.Current.IsWall(pixel))
return false;
ExplodeAt(pixel, bullet.IsExplosive, bullet.Owner);
ExplodeAt(pixel, bullet.Stats.Explosive, bullet.Owner);
return true;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ internal sealed class CollideBullets : ITickStep
if (hitTank == null)
return false;
ExplodeAt(bullet.Position.ToPixelPosition(), bullet.IsExplosive, bullet.Owner);
ExplodeAt(bullet.Position.ToPixelPosition(), bullet.Stats.Explosive, bullet.Owner);
return true;
@ -28,5 +28,7 @@ internal sealed class GameRules
public double SmartBulletInertia { get; set; } = 1;
public double FastBulletAcceleration { get; set; } = 0.25;
public double BulletAccelerationUpgradeStrength { get; set; } = 0.1;
public double BulletSpeedUpgradeStrength { get; set; } = 0.1;
@ -15,19 +15,17 @@ internal sealed class MapEntityManager(
public IEnumerable<Tank> Tanks => _playerTanks.Values;
public IEnumerable<PowerUp> PowerUps => _powerUps;
public void SpawnBullet(Player tankOwner, FloatPosition position, double rotation, MagazineType type)
public void SpawnBullet(Player tankOwner, FloatPosition position, double rotation, BulletStats stats)
_bullets.Add(new Bullet
Owner = tankOwner,
Position = position,
Rotation = rotation,
IsExplosive = type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Explosive),
Timeout = DateTime.Now + _bulletTimeout,
OwnerCollisionAfter = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
Speed = _rules.BulletSpeed,
IsSmart = type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Smart),
Acceleration = type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Fast) ? _rules.FastBulletAcceleration : 0d
Stats = stats
@ -35,24 +33,23 @@ internal sealed class MapEntityManager(
public void SpawnTank(Player player, FloatPosition position)
var tank = new Tank
var tank = new Tank(player)
Owner = player,
Position = position,
Rotation = Random.Shared.NextDouble(),
Magazine = new Magazine(MagazineType.Basic, 0, _rules.MagazineSize)
MaxBullets = _rules.MagazineSize,
BulletStats =new BulletStats(_rules.BulletSpeed, 0, false, false)
_playerTanks[player] = tank;
logger.LogInformation("Tank added for player {}", player.Name);
public void SpawnPowerUp(FloatPosition position, PowerUpType type, MagazineType? magazineType)
public void SpawnPowerUp(FloatPosition position, PowerUpType type)
var powerUp = new PowerUp
Position = position,
Type = type,
MagazineType = magazineType
Type = type
@ -17,14 +17,15 @@ internal sealed class MoveBullets(
private void MoveBullet(Bullet bullet, TimeSpan delta)
if (bullet.IsSmart && TryGetSmartRotation(bullet.Position, bullet.Owner, out var wantedRotation))
if (bullet.Stats.Smart && TryGetSmartRotation(bullet.Position, bullet.Owner, out var wantedRotation))
var inertiaFactor = _smartBulletInertia * delta.TotalSeconds;
var difference = wantedRotation - bullet.Rotation;
bullet.Rotation += difference * inertiaFactor;
bullet.Speed *= 1 + (bullet.Acceleration * delta.TotalSeconds);
bullet.Speed = double.Clamp(bullet.Speed * (1 + (bullet.Stats.Acceleration * delta.TotalSeconds)), 0d,
MapService.TileSize * 10);
var speed = bullet.Speed * delta.TotalSeconds;
var angle = bullet.Rotation * 2 * Math.PI;
@ -26,24 +26,17 @@ internal sealed class ShootFromTanks(
if (tank.ReloadingUntil >= now)
if (tank.Magazine.Empty)
if (tank.UsedBullets >= tank.MaxBullets)
tank.ReloadingUntil = now.AddMilliseconds(_config.ReloadDelayMs);
tank.Magazine = tank.Magazine with
UsedBullets = 0,
Type = MagazineType.Basic
tank.UsedBullets = 0;
tank.NextShotAfter = now.AddMilliseconds(_config.ShootDelayMs);
tank.Magazine = tank.Magazine with
UsedBullets = (byte)(tank.Magazine.UsedBullets + 1)
entityManager.SpawnBullet(tank.Owner, tank.Position, tank.Orientation / 16d, tank.Magazine.Type);
entityManager.SpawnBullet(tank.Owner, tank.Position, tank.Orientation / 16d, tank.BulletStats);
@ -18,25 +18,9 @@ internal sealed class SpawnPowerUp(
if (Random.Shared.NextDouble() > _spawnChance * delta.TotalSeconds)
return ValueTask.CompletedTask;
var type = Random.Shared.Next(4) == 0
? PowerUpType.MagazineSize
: PowerUpType.MagazineType;
MagazineType? magazineType = type switch
PowerUpType.MagazineType => Random.Shared.Next(0, 3) switch
0 => MagazineType.Fast,
1 => MagazineType.Explosive,
2 => MagazineType.Smart,
_ => throw new UnreachableException()
_ => null
var type = (PowerUpType)Random.Shared.Next((int)Enum.GetValues<PowerUpType>().Max());
var position = emptyTileFinder.ChooseEmptyTile().GetCenter().ToFloatPosition();
entityManager.SpawnPowerUp(position, type, magazineType);
entityManager.SpawnPowerUp(position, type);
return ValueTask.CompletedTask;
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ internal sealed class DrawPowerUpsStep(MapEntityManager entityManager) : IDrawSt
foreach (var powerUp in entityManager.PowerUps)
var sprite = powerUp switch
var sprite = powerUp.Type switch
{ Type: PowerUpType.MagazineSize } => _magazineSprite,
{ Type: PowerUpType.MagazineType, MagazineType: MagazineType.Smart } => _smartSprite,
{ Type: PowerUpType.MagazineType, MagazineType: MagazineType.Explosive } => _explosiveSprite,
{ Type: PowerUpType.MagazineType, MagazineType: MagazineType.Fast } => _fastSprite,
PowerUpType.MagazineSize => _magazineSprite,
PowerUpType.BulletAcceleration or PowerUpType.BulletSpeed => _fastSprite,
PowerUpType.SmartBullets => _smartSprite,
PowerUpType.ExplosiveBullets => _explosiveSprite,
_ => _genericSprite
@ -47,20 +47,7 @@ internal sealed class PlayerInfoConnection
private async ValueTask<IMemoryOwner<byte>?> GenerateMessageAsync()
var tank = _entityManager.GetCurrentTankOfPlayer(_player);
TankInfo? tankInfo = null;
if (tank != null)
var magazine = tank.ReloadingUntil > DateTime.Now ? "[ RELOADING ]" : tank.Magazine.ToDisplayString();
tankInfo = new TankInfo(tank.Orientation, magazine, tank.Position.ToPixelPosition(), tank.Moving);
var info = new PlayerInfo(
var info = new PlayerInfo(_player, _player.Controls.ToDisplayString(), tank);
_tempStream.Position = 0;
await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(_tempStream, info, AppSerializerContext.Default.PlayerInfo);
@ -85,3 +72,9 @@ internal sealed class PlayerInfoConnection
Interlocked.Exchange(ref _lastMessage, data)?.Dispose();
internal record struct PlayerInfo(
Player Player,
string Controls,
Tank? Tank
@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ internal sealed class Bullet : IMapEntity
public required FloatPosition Position { get; set; }
public required bool IsExplosive { get; init; }
public required DateTime Timeout { get; init; }
public PixelBounds Bounds => new(Position.ToPixelPosition(), Position.ToPixelPosition());
@ -18,7 +16,5 @@ internal sealed class Bullet : IMapEntity
public required double Speed { get; set; }
public required double Acceleration { get; init; }
public required bool IsSmart { get; init; }
public required BulletStats Stats { get; init; }
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
using System.Text;
namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal enum MagazineType
Basic = 0,
Fast = 1 << 0,
Explosive = 1 << 1,
Smart = 1 << 2,
internal readonly record struct Magazine(MagazineType Type, byte UsedBullets, byte MaxBullets)
public bool Empty => UsedBullets >= MaxBullets;
public string ToDisplayString()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (Type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Fast))
sb.Append("» ");
if (Type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Explosive))
sb.Append("* ");
if (Type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Smart))
sb.Append("@ ");
sb.Append("[ ");
for (var i = 0; i < UsedBullets; i++)
sb.Append("\u25cb ");
for (var i = UsedBullets; i < MaxBullets; i++)
sb.Append("• ");
return sb.ToString();
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal record struct TankInfo(
int Orientation,
string Magazine,
PixelPosition Position,
bool Moving
internal record struct PlayerInfo(
string Name,
Scores Scores,
string Controls,
TankInfo? Tank,
int OpenConnections
@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal enum PowerUpType
internal sealed class PowerUp: IMapEntity
@ -15,6 +18,4 @@ internal sealed class PowerUp: IMapEntity
public PixelBounds Bounds => Position.GetBoundsForCenter(MapService.TileSize);
public required PowerUpType Type { get; init; }
public MagazineType? MagazineType { get; init; }
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using TanksServer.GameLogic;
namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal sealed class Tank : IMapEntity
internal sealed class Tank(Player owner) : IMapEntity
private double _rotation;
public required Player Owner { get; init; }
[JsonIgnore] public Player Owner { get; } = owner;
public double Rotation
@ -26,11 +27,17 @@ internal sealed class Tank : IMapEntity
public required FloatPosition Position { get; set; }
public PixelBounds Bounds => Position.GetBoundsForCenter(MapService.TileSize);
[JsonIgnore] public PixelBounds Bounds => Position.GetBoundsForCenter(MapService.TileSize);
public int Orientation => (int)Math.Round(Rotation * 16) % 16;
public required Magazine Magazine { get; set; }
public int UsedBullets { get; set; }
public int MaxBullets { get; set; }
public DateTime ReloadingUntil { get; set; }
public required BulletStats BulletStats { get; set; }
internal sealed record class BulletStats(double Speed, double Acceleration, bool Explosive, bool Smart);
Reference in a new issue