@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ function ScoreRow({name, value}: {
type TankInfo = {
readonly explosiveBullets: number;
readonly magazine: string;
readonly position: { x: number; y: number };
readonly orientation: number;
readonly moving: boolean;
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ export default function PlayerInfo({player}: { player: string }) {
<ScoreRow name="magazine" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.magazine}/>
<ScoreRow name="controls" value={lastJsonMessage.controls}/>
<ScoreRow name="explosive bullets" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.explosiveBullets}/>
<ScoreRow name="position" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.position}/>
<ScoreRow name="orientation" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.orientation}/>
<ScoreRow name="moving" value={lastJsonMessage.tank?.moving}/>
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TanksServer.GameLogic;
internal sealed class CollectPowerUp(
@ -21,7 +23,33 @@ internal sealed class CollectPowerUp(
// now the tank overlaps the power up by at least 0.5 tiles
tank.ExplosiveBullets += 10;
switch (obj.Type)
case PowerUpType.MagazineTypeUpgrade:
if (obj.MagazineType == null)
throw new UnreachableException();
tank.Magazine = tank.Magazine with
Type = tank.Magazine.Type | obj.MagazineType.Value,
UsedBullets = 0
if (tank.ReloadingUntil >= DateTime.Now)
tank.ReloadingUntil = DateTime.Now;
case PowerUpType.MagazineSizeUpgrade:
tank.Magazine = tank.Magazine with
MaxBullets = (byte)int.Clamp(tank.Magazine.MaxBullets + 1, 1, 32)
throw new UnreachableException();
return true;
@ -21,4 +21,10 @@ internal sealed class GameRules
public int SpawnDelayMs { get; set; }
public int IdleTimeoutMs { get; set; }
public byte MagazineSize { get; set; } = 5;
public int ReloadDelayMs { get; set; } = 3000;
public double SmartBulletInertia { get; set; } = 1;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ internal sealed class MapEntityManager(
IOptions<GameRules> options
private readonly GameRules _rules = options.Value;
private readonly HashSet<Bullet> _bullets = [];
private readonly HashSet<PowerUp> _powerUps = [];
private readonly Dictionary<Player, Tank> _playerTanks = [];
@ -15,30 +16,43 @@ internal sealed class MapEntityManager(
public IEnumerable<Tank> Tanks => _playerTanks.Values;
public IEnumerable<PowerUp> PowerUps => _powerUps;
public void SpawnBullet(Player tankOwner, FloatPosition position, double rotation, bool isExplosive)
=> _bullets.Add(new Bullet
public void SpawnBullet(Player tankOwner, FloatPosition position, double rotation, MagazineType type)
var speed = _rules.BulletSpeed * (type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Fast) ? 2 : 1);
_bullets.Add(new Bullet
Owner = tankOwner,
Position = position,
Rotation = rotation,
IsExplosive = isExplosive,
IsExplosive = type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Explosive),
Timeout = DateTime.Now + _bulletTimeout,
OwnerCollisionAfter = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
Speed = speed,
IsSmart = type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Smart)
public void RemoveWhere(Predicate<Bullet> predicate) => _bullets.RemoveWhere(predicate);
public void SpawnTank(Player player)
var tank = new Tank(player, ChooseSpawnPosition())
var tank = new Tank
Rotation = Random.Shared.NextDouble()
Owner = player,
Position = ChooseSpawnPosition(),
Rotation = Random.Shared.NextDouble(),
Magazine = new Magazine(MagazineType.Basic, 0, _rules.MagazineSize)
_playerTanks[player] = tank;
logger.LogInformation("Tank added for player {}", player.Name);
public void SpawnPowerUp() => _powerUps.Add(new PowerUp(ChooseSpawnPosition()));
public void SpawnPowerUp(PowerUpType type, MagazineType? magazineType) => _powerUps.Add(new PowerUp
Position = ChooseSpawnPosition(),
Type = type,
MagazineType = magazineType
public void RemoveWhere(Predicate<PowerUp> predicate) => _powerUps.RemoveWhere(predicate);
@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ namespace TanksServer.GameLogic;
internal sealed class MoveBullets(
MapEntityManager entityManager,
IOptions<GameRules> config
IOptions<GameRules> options
) : ITickStep
private readonly double _smartBulletInertia = options.Value.SmartBulletInertia;
public ValueTask TickAsync(TimeSpan delta)
foreach (var bullet in entityManager.Bullets)
@ -15,11 +17,38 @@ internal sealed class MoveBullets(
private void MoveBullet(Bullet bullet, TimeSpan delta)
var speed = config.Value.BulletSpeed * delta.TotalSeconds;
if (bullet.IsSmart && TryGetSmartRotation(bullet.Position, bullet.Owner, out var wantedRotation))
var inertiaFactor = _smartBulletInertia * delta.TotalSeconds;
var difference = wantedRotation - bullet.Rotation;
bullet.Rotation += difference * inertiaFactor;
var speed = bullet.Speed * delta.TotalSeconds;
var angle = bullet.Rotation * 2 * Math.PI;
bullet.Position = new FloatPosition(
bullet.Position.X + Math.Sin(angle) * speed,
bullet.Position.Y - Math.Cos(angle) * speed
private bool TryGetSmartRotation(FloatPosition position, Player bulletOwner, out double rotation)
var nearestEnemy = entityManager.Tanks
.Where(t => t.Owner != bulletOwner)
.MinBy(t => position.Distance(t.Position));
if (nearestEnemy == null)
rotation = double.NaN;
return false;
var rotationRadians = Math.Atan2(
y: nearestEnemy.Position.Y - position.Y,
x: nearestEnemy.Position.X - position.X
) + (Math.PI / 2);
rotation = rotationRadians / (2 * Math.PI);
return true;
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TanksServer.GameLogic;
internal sealed class ShootFromTanks(
@ -21,16 +19,31 @@ internal sealed class ShootFromTanks(
if (!tank.Owner.Controls.Shoot)
if (tank.NextShotAfter >= DateTime.Now)
var now = DateTime.Now;
if (tank.NextShotAfter >= now)
if (tank.ReloadingUntil >= now)
tank.NextShotAfter = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(_config.ShootDelayMs);
if (tank.Magazine.Empty)
tank.ReloadingUntil = now.AddMilliseconds(_config.ReloadDelayMs);
tank.Magazine = tank.Magazine with
UsedBullets = 0,
Type = MagazineType.Basic
var explosive = tank.ExplosiveBullets > 0;
if (explosive)
tank.NextShotAfter = now.AddMilliseconds(_config.ShootDelayMs);
tank.Magazine = tank.Magazine with
UsedBullets = (byte)(tank.Magazine.UsedBullets + 1)
entityManager.SpawnBullet(tank.Owner, tank.Position, tank.Orientation / 16d, explosive);
entityManager.SpawnBullet(tank.Owner, tank.Position, tank.Orientation / 16d, tank.Magazine.Type);
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TanksServer.GameLogic;
internal sealed class SpawnPowerUp(
@ -15,7 +17,24 @@ internal sealed class SpawnPowerUp(
if (Random.Shared.NextDouble() > _spawnChance * delta.TotalSeconds)
return ValueTask.CompletedTask;
var type = Random.Shared.Next(4) == 0
? PowerUpType.MagazineSizeUpgrade
: PowerUpType.MagazineTypeUpgrade;
MagazineType? magazineType = type switch
PowerUpType.MagazineTypeUpgrade => Random.Shared.Next(0, 3) switch
0 => MagazineType.Fast,
1 => MagazineType.Explosive,
2 => MagazineType.Smart,
_ => throw new UnreachableException()
_ => null
entityManager.SpawnPowerUp(type, magazineType);
return ValueTask.CompletedTask;
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using TanksServer.GameLogic;
@ -46,10 +45,15 @@ internal sealed class PlayerInfoConnection(
private byte[]? GetMessageToSend()
var tank = entityManager.GetCurrentTankOfPlayer(player);
var tankInfo = tank != null
? new TankInfo(tank.Orientation, tank.ExplosiveBullets, tank.Position.ToPixelPosition(), tank.Moving)
: null;
var info = new PlayerInfo(player.Name, player.Scores, ControlsToString(player.Controls), tankInfo);
TankInfo? tankInfo = null;
if (tank != null)
var magazine = tank.ReloadingUntil > DateTime.Now ? "[ RELOADING ]" : tank.Magazine.ToDisplayString();
tankInfo = new TankInfo(tank.Orientation, magazine, tank.Position.ToPixelPosition(), tank.Moving);
var info = new PlayerInfo(player.Name, player.Scores, player.Controls.ToDisplayString(), tankInfo);
var response = JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(info, _context.PlayerInfo);
if (response.SequenceEqual(_lastMessage))
@ -57,21 +61,4 @@ internal sealed class PlayerInfoConnection(
return _lastMessage = response;
private static string ControlsToString(PlayerControls controls)
var str = new StringBuilder("[ ");
if (controls.Forward)
str.Append("▲ ");
if (controls.Backward)
str.Append("▼ ");
if (controls.TurnLeft)
str.Append("◄ ");
if (controls.TurnRight)
str.Append("► ");
if (controls.Shoot)
str.Append("• ");
return str.ToString();
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ internal sealed class Bullet : IMapEntity
public required Player Owner { get; init; }
public required double Rotation { get; init; }
public required double Rotation { get; set; }
public required FloatPosition Position { get; set; }
@ -15,4 +15,8 @@ internal sealed class Bullet : IMapEntity
public PixelBounds Bounds => new(Position.ToPixelPosition(), Position.ToPixelPosition());
internal required DateTime OwnerCollisionAfter { get; init; }
public required double Speed { get; init; }
public required bool IsSmart { get; init; }
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal interface IMapEntity
FloatPosition Position { get; set; }
FloatPosition Position { get; }
PixelBounds Bounds { get; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
using System.Text;
namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal enum MagazineType
Basic = 0,
Fast = 1 << 0,
Explosive = 1 << 1,
Smart = 1 << 2,
Mine = 1 << 3,
internal readonly record struct Magazine(MagazineType Type, byte UsedBullets, byte MaxBullets)
public bool Empty => UsedBullets >= MaxBullets;
public string ToDisplayString()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (Type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Fast))
sb.Append("» ");
if (Type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Explosive))
sb.Append("* ");
if (Type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Smart))
sb.Append("@ ");
if (Type.HasFlag(MagazineType.Mine))
sb.Append("\u263c ");
sb.Append("[ ");
for (var i = 0; i < UsedBullets; i++)
sb.Append("\u25cb ");
for (var i = UsedBullets; i < MaxBullets; i++)
sb.Append("• ");
return sb.ToString();
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System.Text;
namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal sealed class PlayerControls
@ -7,4 +9,22 @@ internal sealed class PlayerControls
public bool TurnLeft { get; set; }
public bool TurnRight { get; set; }
public bool Shoot { get; set; }
public string ToDisplayString()
var str = new StringBuilder("[ ");
if (Forward)
str.Append("▲ ");
if (Backward)
str.Append("▼ ");
if (TurnLeft)
str.Append("◄ ");
if (TurnRight)
str.Append("► ");
if (Shoot)
str.Append("• ");
return str.ToString();
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal sealed record class TankInfo(
internal record struct TankInfo(
int Orientation,
byte ExplosiveBullets,
string Magazine,
PixelPosition Position,
bool Moving
internal sealed record class PlayerInfo(
internal record struct PlayerInfo(
string Name,
Scores Scores,
string Controls,
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ internal static class PositionHelpers
public static FloatPosition ToFloatPosition(this PixelPosition position) => new(position.X, position.Y);
public static double Distance(this FloatPosition p1, FloatPosition p2)
=> Math.Sqrt(
Math.Pow(p1.X - p2.X, 2) +
@ -2,9 +2,19 @@ using TanksServer.GameLogic;
namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal sealed class PowerUp(FloatPosition position): IMapEntity
internal enum PowerUpType
public FloatPosition Position { get; set; } = position;
internal sealed class PowerUp: IMapEntity
public required FloatPosition Position { get; init; }
public PixelBounds Bounds => Position.GetBoundsForCenter(MapService.TileSize);
public required PowerUpType Type { get; init; }
public MagazineType? MagazineType { get; init; }
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ using TanksServer.GameLogic;
namespace TanksServer.Models;
internal sealed class Tank(Player player, FloatPosition spawnPosition) : IMapEntity
internal sealed class Tank : IMapEntity
private double _rotation;
public Player Owner { get; } = player;
public required Player Owner { get; init; }
public double Rotation
@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ internal sealed class Tank(Player player, FloatPosition spawnPosition) : IMapEnt
public bool Moving { get; set; }
public FloatPosition Position { get; set; } = spawnPosition;
public required FloatPosition Position { get; set; }
public PixelBounds Bounds => Position.GetBoundsForCenter(MapService.TileSize);
public int Orientation => (int)Math.Round(Rotation * 16) % 16;
public byte ExplosiveBullets { get; set; }
public required Magazine Magazine { get; set; }
public DateTime ReloadingUntil { get; set; }
@ -21,15 +21,16 @@
"GameRules": {
"DestructibleWalls": true,
"PowerUpSpawnChance": 0.1,
"MaxPowerUpCount": 15,
"BulletTimeoutMs": 30000,
"PowerUpSpawnChance": 0.2,
"MaxPowerUpCount": 5,
"BulletTimeoutMs": 20000,
"SpawnDelayMs": 3000,
"IdleTimeoutMs": 30000,
"MoveSpeed": 37.5,
"MoveSpeed": 40,
"TurnSpeed": 0.5,
"ShootDelayMs": 450,
"BulletSpeed": 75
"BulletSpeed": 75,
"SmartBulletHomingSpeed": 1.5
"Host": {
"EnableServicePointDisplay": true,
Reference in a new issue