%include "startup-common.asm" startup_arch: cli ; setting up Page Tables ; Identity Mapping first GB mov ax, 0x7000 mov es, ax xor edi, edi xor eax, eax mov ecx, 3 * 4096 / 4 ;PML4, PDP, PD / moves 4 Bytes at once cld rep stosd xor edi, edi ;Link first PML4 to PDP mov DWORD [es:edi], 0x71000 | 1 << 1 | 1 add edi, 0x1000 ;Link first PDP to PD mov DWORD [es:edi], 0x72000 | 1 << 1 | 1 add edi, 0x1000 ;Link all PD's (512 per PDP, 2MB each)y mov ebx, 1 << 7 | 1 << 1 | 1 mov ecx, 512 .setpd: mov [es:edi], ebx add ebx, 0x200000 add edi, 8 loop .setpd xor ax, ax mov es, ax ;cr3 holds pointer to PML4 mov edi, 0x70000 mov cr3, edi ;enable Page Address Extension and Page Size Extension mov eax, cr4 or eax, 1 << 5 | 1 << 4 mov cr4, eax ; load protected mode GDT lgdt [gdtr] mov ecx, 0xC0000080 ; Read from the EFER MSR. rdmsr or eax, 0x00000100 ; Set the Long-Mode-Enable bit. wrmsr ;enabling paging and protection simultaneously mov ebx, cr0 or ebx, 0x80000001 ;Bit 31: Paging, Bit 0: Protected Mode mov cr0, ebx ; far jump to enable Long Mode and load CS with 64 bit segment jmp gdt.kernel_code:long_mode USE64 long_mode: ; load all the other segments with 64 bit data segments mov rax, gdt.kernel_data mov ds, rax mov es, rax mov fs, rax mov gs, rax mov ss, rax ; load long mode IDT lidt [idtr] mov rsp, 0x800000 - 128 mov rax, gdt.tss ltr ax ;rust init mov eax, [kernel_base + 0x18] mov [interrupts.handler], rax mov rax, gdtr mov rbx, idtr mov rcx, tss int 0xFF .lp: sti hlt jmp .lp gdtr: dw gdt.end + 1 ; size dq gdt ; offset gdt: .null equ $ - gdt dq 0 .kernel_code equ $ - gdt istruc GDTEntry at GDTEntry.limitl, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basel, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basem, db 0 at GDTEntry.attribute, db attrib.present | attrib.user | attrib.code at GDTEntry.flags__limith, db flags.long_mode at GDTEntry.baseh, db 0 iend .kernel_data equ $ - gdt istruc GDTEntry at GDTEntry.limitl, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basel, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basem, db 0 ; AMD System Programming Manual states that the writeable bit is ignored in long mode, but ss can not be set to this descriptor without it at GDTEntry.attribute, db attrib.present | attrib.user | attrib.writable at GDTEntry.flags__limith, db 0 at GDTEntry.baseh, db 0 iend .user_code equ $ - gdt istruc GDTEntry at GDTEntry.limitl, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basel, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basem, db 0 at GDTEntry.attribute, db attrib.present | attrib.ring3 | attrib.user | attrib.code at GDTEntry.flags__limith, db flags.long_mode at GDTEntry.baseh, db 0 iend .user_data equ $ - gdt istruc GDTEntry at GDTEntry.limitl, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basel, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basem, db 0 ; AMD System Programming Manual states that the writeable bit is ignored in long mode, but ss can not be set to this descriptor without it at GDTEntry.attribute, db attrib.present | attrib.ring3 | attrib.user | attrib.writable at GDTEntry.flags__limith, db 0 at GDTEntry.baseh, db 0 iend .user_tls equ $ - gdt istruc GDTEntry at GDTEntry.limitl, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basel, dw 0 at GDTEntry.basem, db 0 ; AMD System Programming Manual states that the writeable bit is ignored in long mode, but ss can not be set to this descriptor without it at GDTEntry.attribute, db attrib.present | attrib.ring3 | attrib.user | attrib.writable at GDTEntry.flags__limith, db 0 at GDTEntry.baseh, db 0 iend .tss equ $ - gdt istruc GDTEntry at GDTEntry.limitl, dw (tss.end - tss) & 0xFFFF at GDTEntry.basel, dw (tss-$$+0x7C00) & 0xFFFF at GDTEntry.basem, db ((tss-$$+0x7C00) >> 16) & 0xFF at GDTEntry.attribute, db attrib.present | attrib.ring3 | attrib.tssAvailabe64 at GDTEntry.flags__limith, db ((tss.end - tss) >> 16) & 0xF at GDTEntry.baseh, db ((tss-$$+0x7C00) >> 24) & 0xFF iend dq 0 ;tss descriptors are extended to 16 Bytes .end equ $ - gdt struc TSS .reserved1 resd 1 ;The previous TSS - if we used hardware task switching this would form a linked list. .rsp0 resq 1 ;The stack pointer to load when we change to kernel mode. .rsp1 resq 1 ;everything below here is unused now.. .rsp2 resq 1 .reserved2 resd 1 .reserved3 resd 1 .ist1 resq 1 .ist2 resq 1 .ist3 resq 1 .ist4 resq 1 .ist5 resq 1 .ist6 resq 1 .ist7 resq 1 .reserved4 resd 1 .reserved5 resd 1 .reserved6 resw 1 .iomap_base resw 1 endstruc tss: istruc TSS at TSS.rsp0, dd 0x800000 - 128 at TSS.iomap_base, dw 0xFFFF iend .end: %include "interrupts-x86_64.asm"