use alloc::arc::{Arc, Weak}; use collections::BTreeMap; use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}; use core::{mem, slice, usize}; use spin::{Mutex, RwLock}; use arch; use arch::paging::{InactivePageTable, Page, VirtualAddress, entry}; use arch::paging::temporary_page::TemporaryPage; use context::{self, Context}; use context::memory::Grant; use scheme::{AtomicSchemeId, ATOMIC_SCHEMEID_INIT, SchemeId}; use sync::{WaitQueue, WaitMap}; use syscall::data::{Packet, Stat, StatVfs}; use syscall::error::*; use syscall::flag::{EVENT_READ, O_NONBLOCK}; use syscall::number::*; use syscall::scheme::Scheme; pub struct UserInner { root_id: SchemeId, handle_id: usize, flags: usize, pub scheme_id: AtomicSchemeId, next_id: AtomicU64, context: Weak>, todo: WaitQueue, fmap: Mutex>, usize)>>, done: WaitMap } impl UserInner { pub fn new(root_id: SchemeId, handle_id: usize, flags: usize, context: Weak>) -> UserInner { UserInner { root_id: root_id, handle_id: handle_id, flags: flags, scheme_id: ATOMIC_SCHEMEID_INIT, next_id: AtomicU64::new(1), context: context, todo: WaitQueue::new(), fmap: Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new()), done: WaitMap::new() } } pub fn call(&self, a: usize, b: usize, c: usize, d: usize) -> Result { let (pid, uid, gid) = { let contexts = context::contexts(); let context_lock = contexts.current().ok_or(Error::new(ESRCH))?; let context =; (, context.euid, context.egid) }; self.call_inner(Packet { id: self.next_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst), pid: pid.into(), uid: uid, gid: gid, a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d }) } fn call_inner(&self, packet: Packet) -> Result { let id =; let len = self.todo.send(packet); context::event::trigger(self.root_id, self.handle_id, EVENT_READ, mem::size_of::() * len); Error::demux(self.done.receive(&id)) } pub fn capture(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result { UserInner::capture_inner(&self.context, buf.as_ptr() as usize, buf.len(), false) } pub fn capture_mut(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { UserInner::capture_inner(&self.context, buf.as_mut_ptr() as usize, buf.len(), true) } fn capture_inner(context_weak: &Weak>, address: usize, size: usize, writable: bool) -> Result { if size == 0 { Ok(0) } else { let context_lock = context_weak.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ESRCH))?; let context =; let mut grants = context.grants.lock(); let mut new_table = unsafe { InactivePageTable::from_address(context.arch.get_page_table()) }; let mut temporary_page = TemporaryPage::new(Page::containing_address(VirtualAddress::new(arch::USER_TMP_GRANT_OFFSET))); let from_address = (address/4096) * 4096; let offset = address - from_address; let full_size = ((offset + size + 4095)/4096) * 4096; let mut to_address = arch::USER_GRANT_OFFSET; let mut flags = entry::PRESENT | entry::NO_EXECUTE | entry::USER_ACCESSIBLE; if writable { flags |= entry::WRITABLE; } for i in 0 .. grants.len() { let start = grants[i].start_address().get(); if to_address + full_size < start { grants.insert(i, Grant::map_inactive( VirtualAddress::new(from_address), VirtualAddress::new(to_address), full_size, flags, &mut new_table, &mut temporary_page )); return Ok(to_address + offset); } else { let pages = (grants[i].size() + 4095) / 4096; let end = start + pages * 4096; to_address = end; } } grants.push(Grant::map_inactive( VirtualAddress::new(from_address), VirtualAddress::new(to_address), full_size, flags, &mut new_table, &mut temporary_page )); Ok(to_address + offset) } } pub fn release(&self, address: usize) -> Result<()> { if address == 0 { Ok(()) } else { let context_lock = self.context.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ESRCH))?; let context =; let mut grants = context.grants.lock(); let mut new_table = unsafe { InactivePageTable::from_address(context.arch.get_page_table()) }; let mut temporary_page = TemporaryPage::new(Page::containing_address(VirtualAddress::new(arch::USER_TMP_GRANT_OFFSET))); for i in 0 .. grants.len() { let start = grants[i].start_address().get(); let end = start + grants[i].size(); if address >= start && address < end { grants.remove(i).unmap_inactive(&mut new_table, &mut temporary_page); return Ok(()); } } Err(Error::new(EFAULT)) } } pub fn read(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { let packet_buf = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut Packet, buf.len()/mem::size_of::()) }; Ok(self.todo.receive_into(packet_buf, self.flags & O_NONBLOCK != O_NONBLOCK) * mem::size_of::()) } pub fn write(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result { let packet_size = mem::size_of::(); let len = buf.len()/packet_size; let mut i = 0; while i < len { let mut packet = unsafe { *(buf.as_ptr() as *const Packet).offset(i as isize) }; if == 0 { match packet.a { SYS_FEVENT => context::event::trigger(self.scheme_id.load(Ordering::SeqCst), packet.b, packet.c, packet.d), _ => println!("Unknown scheme -> kernel message {}", packet.a) } } else { if let Some((context_weak, size)) = self.fmap.lock().remove(& { if let Ok(address) = Error::demux(packet.a) { packet.a = Error::mux(UserInner::capture_inner(&context_weak, address, size, true)); } } self.done.send(, packet.a); } i += 1; } Ok(i * packet_size) } pub fn fevent(&self, _flags: usize) -> Result { Ok(self.handle_id) } pub fn fsync(&self) -> Result { Ok(0) } } /// UserInner has to be wrapped pub struct UserScheme { inner: Weak } impl UserScheme { pub fn new(inner: Weak) -> UserScheme { UserScheme { inner: inner } } } impl Scheme for UserScheme { fn open(&self, path: &[u8], flags: usize, _uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture(path)?; let result =, address, path.len(), flags); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn mkdir(&self, path: &[u8], mode: u16, _uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture(path)?; let result =, address, path.len(), mode as usize); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn chmod(&self, path: &[u8], mode: u16, _uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture(path)?; let result =, address, path.len(), mode as usize); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn rmdir(&self, path: &[u8], _uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture(path)?; let result =, address, path.len(), 0); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn unlink(&self, path: &[u8], _uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture(path)?; let result =, address, path.len(), 0); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn dup(&self, file: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture(buf)?; let result =, file, address, buf.len()); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn read(&self, file: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture_mut(buf)?; let result =, file, address, buf.len()); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn write(&self, file: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture(buf)?; let result =, file, address, buf.len()); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn seek(&self, file: usize, position: usize, whence: usize) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?;, file, position, whence) } fn fcntl(&self, file: usize, cmd: usize, arg: usize) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?;, file, cmd, arg) } fn fevent(&self, file: usize, flags: usize) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?;, file, flags, 0) } fn fmap(&self, file: usize, offset: usize, size: usize) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let (pid, uid, gid, context_lock) = { let contexts = context::contexts(); let context_lock = contexts.current().ok_or(Error::new(ESRCH))?; let context =; (, context.euid, context.egid, Arc::downgrade(&context_lock)) }; let id = inner.next_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); inner.fmap.lock().insert(id, (context_lock, size)); inner.call_inner(Packet { id: id, pid: pid.into(), uid: uid, gid: gid, a: SYS_FMAP, b: file, c: offset, d: size }) } fn fpath(&self, file: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture_mut(buf)?; let result =, file, address, buf.len()); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn fstat(&self, file: usize, stat: &mut Stat) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture_mut(stat)?; let result =, file, address, mem::size_of::()); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn fstatvfs(&self, file: usize, stat: &mut StatVfs) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?; let address = inner.capture_mut(stat)?; let result =, file, address, mem::size_of::()); let _ = inner.release(address); result } fn fsync(&self, file: usize) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?;, file, 0, 0) } fn ftruncate(&self, file: usize, len: usize) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?;, file, len, 0) } fn close(&self, file: usize) -> Result { let inner = self.inner.upgrade().ok_or(Error::new(ENODEV))?;, file, 0, 0) } }