ARCH?=x86_64 # Kernel variables KTARGET=$(ARCH)-unknown-none KBUILD=build/kernel KRUSTC=./ KRUSTCFLAGS=--target $(KTARGET).json -C opt-level=s -C soft-float KRUSTDOC=./ KCARGO=RUSTC="$(KRUSTC)" RUSTDOC="$(KRUSTDOC)" cargo KCARGOFLAGS=--target $(KTARGET).json -- -C opt-level=s -C soft-float # Userspace variables TARGET=$(ARCH)-unknown-redox BUILD=build/userspace RUSTC=./ RUSTCFLAGS=--target $(TARGET).json -C opt-level=s --cfg redox RUSTDOC=./ CARGO=RUSTC="$(RUSTC)" RUSTDOC="$(RUSTDOC)" cargo CARGOFLAGS=--target $(TARGET).json -- -C opt-level=s --cfg redox # Default targets .PHONY: all clean doc update qemu bochs drivers schemes coreutils extrautils netutils userutils wireshark FORCE all: $(KBUILD)/harddrive.bin clean: cargo clean cargo clean --manifest-path libstd/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path libstd_real/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path drivers/ahcid/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path drivers/e1000d/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path drivers/ps2d/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path drivers/pcid/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path drivers/rtl8168d/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path drivers/vesad/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/acid/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/init/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/ion/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/coreutils/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/extrautils/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/netutils/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/orbutils/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/pkgutils/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/userutils/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/smith/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path programs/tar/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path schemes/ethernetd/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path schemes/example/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path schemes/ipd/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path schemes/orbital/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path schemes/ptyd/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path schemes/randd/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path schemes/redoxfs/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path schemes/tcpd/Cargo.toml cargo clean --manifest-path schemes/udpd/Cargo.toml rm -rf initfs/bin rm -rf filesystem/bin rm -rf build #skipping doc-ion, doc-coreutils, and doc-redoxfs because they fail doc: \ doc-kernel \ doc-std \ doc-ahcid \ doc-e1000d \ doc-ps2d \ doc-pcid \ doc-rtl8168d \ doc-vesad \ doc-acid \ doc-init \ doc-coreutils \ doc-extrautils \ doc-netutils \ doc-orbutils \ doc-pkgutils \ doc-userutils \ doc-smith \ doc-ethernetd \ doc-example \ doc-ipd \ doc-orbital \ doc-ptyd \ doc-randd \ doc-tcpd \ doc-udpd #FORCE to let cargo decide if docs need updating #all to make sure all dependencies are built doc-kernel: $(KBUILD)/libkernel.a all FORCE $(KCARGO) doc --target $(KTARGET).json mkdir -p build/doc rm -rf build/doc/kernel mv target/$(KTARGET)/doc build/doc/kernel doc-std: $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib all FORCE $(CARGO) doc --target $(TARGET).json --manifest-path libstd/Cargo.toml mkdir -p build/doc rm -rf build/doc/std mv libstd/target/$(TARGET)/doc build/doc/std doc-%: drivers/%/Cargo.toml all FORCE $(CARGO) doc --target $(TARGET).json --manifest-path $< mkdir -p build/doc rm -rf build/doc/$* mv drivers/$*/target/$(TARGET)/doc build/doc/$* doc-%: programs/%/Cargo.toml all FORCE $(CARGO) doc --target $(TARGET).json --manifest-path $< mkdir -p build/doc rm -rf build/doc/$* mv programs/$*/target/$(TARGET)/doc build/doc/$* doc-%: schemes/%/Cargo.toml all FORCE $(CARGO) doc --target $(TARGET).json --manifest-path $< mkdir -p build/doc rm -rf build/doc/$* mv schemes/$*/target/$(TARGET)/doc build/doc/$* update: cargo update cargo update --manifest-path libstd/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path libstd_real/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path drivers/ahcid/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path drivers/e1000d/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path drivers/ps2d/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path drivers/pcid/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path drivers/rtl8168d/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path drivers/vesad/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/acid/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/init/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/ion/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/coreutils/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/extrautils/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/netutils/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/orbutils/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/pkgutils/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/userutils/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/smith/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path programs/tar/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path schemes/ethernetd/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path schemes/example/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path schemes/ipd/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path schemes/orbital/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path schemes/ptyd/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path schemes/randd/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path schemes/redoxfs/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path schemes/tcpd/Cargo.toml cargo update --manifest-path schemes/udpd/Cargo.toml FORCE: # Emulation QEMU=SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0 qemu-system-$(ARCH) QEMUFLAGS=-serial mon:stdio -d cpu_reset -d guest_errors ifeq ($(ARCH),arm) LD=$(ARCH)-none-eabi-ld QEMUFLAGS+=-cpu arm1176 -machine integratorcp QEMUFLAGS+=-nographic %.list: % $(ARCH)-none-eabi-objdump -C -D $< > $@ $(KBUILD)/harddrive.bin: $(KBUILD)/kernel cp $< $@ qemu: $(KBUILD)/harddrive.bin $(QEMU) $(QEMUFLAGS) -kernel $< else QEMUFLAGS+=-smp 4 -m 1024 ifeq ($(iommu),no) QEMUFLAGS+=-machine q35 else QEMUFLAGS+=-machine q35,iommu=on endif ifeq ($(net),no) QEMUFLAGS+=-net none else QEMUFLAGS+=-net nic,model=e1000 -net user -net dump,file=$(KBUILD)/network.pcap ifeq ($(net),redir) QEMUFLAGS+=-redir tcp:8080::8080 endif endif ifeq ($(storage),usb) QEMUFLAGS+=-device usb-ehci,id=flash_bus -drive id=flash_drive,file=$(KBUILD)/harddrive.bin,format=raw,if=none -device usb-storage,drive=flash_drive,bus=flash_bus.0 else QEMUFLAGS+=-drive file=$(KBUILD)/harddrive.bin,format=raw endif ifeq ($(vga),no) QEMUFLAGS+=-nographic -vga none endif #,int,pcall #-device intel-iommu UNAME := $(shell uname) ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) CC=$(ARCH)-elf-gcc CXX=$(ARCH)-elf-g++ ECHO=/bin/echo FUMOUNT=sudo umount LD=$(ARCH)-elf-ld LDFLAGS=--gc-sections KRUSTCFLAGS+=-C linker=$(CC) KCARGOFLAGS+=-C linker=$(CC) RUSTCFLAGS+=-C linker=$(CC) CARGOFLAGS+=-C linker=$(CC) else CC=gcc CXX=g++ ECHO=echo FUMOUNT=fusermount -u LD=ld LDFLAGS=--gc-sections ifneq ($(kvm),no) QEMUFLAGS+=-enable-kvm -cpu host endif endif %.list: % objdump -C -M intel -D $< > $@ $(KBUILD)/harddrive.bin: $(KBUILD)/kernel $(BUILD)/filesystem.bin bootloader/$(ARCH)/** nasm -f bin -o $@ -D ARCH_$(ARCH) -ibootloader/$(ARCH)/ bootloader/$(ARCH)/harddrive.asm qemu: $(KBUILD)/harddrive.bin $(QEMU) $(QEMUFLAGS) qemu_no_build: $(QEMU) $(QEMUFLAGS) endif bochs: $(KBUILD)/harddrive.bin bochs -f bochs.$(ARCH) # Kernel recipes $(KBUILD)/libcore.rlib: rust/src/libcore/ mkdir -p $(KBUILD) $(KRUSTC) $(KRUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(KBUILD)/librand.rlib: rust/src/librand/ $(KBUILD)/libcore.rlib $(KRUSTC) $(KRUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(KBUILD)/liballoc.rlib: rust/src/liballoc/ $(KBUILD)/libcore.rlib $(KRUSTC) $(KRUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(KBUILD)/librustc_unicode.rlib: rust/src/librustc_unicode/ $(KBUILD)/libcore.rlib $(KRUSTC) $(KRUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(KBUILD)/libcollections.rlib: rust/src/libcollections/ $(KBUILD)/libcore.rlib $(KBUILD)/liballoc.rlib $(KBUILD)/librustc_unicode.rlib $(KRUSTC) $(KRUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(KBUILD)/libkernel.a: kernel/** $(KBUILD)/libcore.rlib $(KBUILD)/liballoc.rlib $(KBUILD)/libcollections.rlib $(BUILD)/ $(KCARGO) rustc $(KCARGOFLAGS) -C lto -o $@ $(KBUILD)/kernel: $(KBUILD)/libkernel.a $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -z max-page-size=0x1000 -T arch/$(ARCH)/src/linker.ld -o $@ $< # Userspace recipes $(BUILD)/libcore.rlib: rust/src/libcore/ mkdir -p $(BUILD) $(RUSTC) $(RUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(BUILD)/liballoc.rlib: rust/src/liballoc/ $(BUILD)/libcore.rlib $(RUSTC) $(RUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(BUILD)/libcollections.rlib: rust/src/libcollections/ $(BUILD)/libcore.rlib $(BUILD)/liballoc.rlib $(BUILD)/librustc_unicode.rlib $(RUSTC) $(RUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(BUILD)/librand.rlib: rust/src/librand/ $(BUILD)/libcore.rlib $(RUSTC) $(RUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(BUILD)/librustc_unicode.rlib: rust/src/librustc_unicode/ $(BUILD)/libcore.rlib $(RUSTC) $(RUSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $< libstd/openlibm/libopenlibm.a: CROSSCC=$(CC) CFLAGS=-fno-stack-protector make -C libstd/openlibm libopenlibm.a $(BUILD)/libopenlibm.a: libstd/openlibm/libopenlibm.a mkdir -p $(BUILD) cp $< $@ $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib: libstd/Cargo.toml libstd/src/** $(BUILD)/libcore.rlib $(BUILD)/liballoc.rlib $(BUILD)/librustc_unicode.rlib $(BUILD)/libcollections.rlib $(BUILD)/librand.rlib $(BUILD)/libopenlibm.a $(CARGO) rustc --verbose --manifest-path $< $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ cp libstd/target/$(TARGET)/debug/deps/*.rlib $(BUILD) initfs/bin/%: drivers/%/Cargo.toml drivers/%/src/** $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p initfs/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d initfs/bin/%: programs/%/Cargo.toml programs/%/src/** $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p initfs/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d initfs/bin/%: schemes/%/Cargo.toml schemes/%/src/** $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p initfs/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< --bin $* $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d $(BUILD)/ \ initfs/bin/init \ initfs/bin/ahcid \ initfs/bin/pcid \ initfs/bin/ps2d \ initfs/bin/redoxfs \ initfs/bin/vesad \ initfs/etc/** echo 'use collections::BTreeMap;' > $@ echo 'pub fn gen() -> BTreeMap<&'"'"'static [u8], (&'"'"'static [u8], bool)> {' >> $@ echo ' let mut files: BTreeMap<&'"'"'static [u8], (&'"'"'static [u8], bool)> = BTreeMap::new();' >> $@ for folder in `find initfs -type d | sort`; do \ name=$$(echo $$folder | sed 's/initfs//' | cut -d '/' -f2-) ; \ $(ECHO) -n ' files.insert(b"'$$name'", (b"' >> $@ ; \ ls -1 $$folder | sort | awk 'NR > 1 {printf("\\n")} {printf("%s", $$0)}' >> $@ ; \ echo '", true));' >> $@ ; \ done find initfs -type f -o -type l | cut -d '/' -f2- | sort | awk '{printf(" files.insert(b\"%s\", (include_bytes!(\"../../initfs/%s\"), false));\n", $$0, $$0)}' >> $@ echo ' files' >> $@ echo '}' >> $@ filesystem/bin/%: drivers/%/Cargo.toml drivers/%/src/** $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p filesystem/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d filesystem/bin/%: programs/%/Cargo.toml programs/%/src/** $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p filesystem/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< --bin $* $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d filesystem/bin/sh: filesystem/bin/ion cp $< $@ filesystem/bin/%: programs/coreutils/Cargo.toml programs/coreutils/src/bin/ $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p filesystem/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< --bin $* $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d filesystem/bin/%: programs/extrautils/Cargo.toml programs/extrautils/src/bin/ $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p filesystem/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< --bin $* $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d filesystem/bin/%: programs/netutils/Cargo.toml programs/netutils/src/%/**.rs $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p filesystem/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< --bin $* $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d filesystem/bin/%: programs/orbutils/Cargo.toml programs/orbutils/src/%/**.rs $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p filesystem/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< --bin $* $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d filesystem/bin/%: programs/pkgutils/Cargo.toml programs/pkgutils/src/%/**.rs $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p filesystem/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< --bin $* $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d filesystem/bin/%: programs/userutils/Cargo.toml programs/userutils/src/bin/ $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p filesystem/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< --bin $* $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d filesystem/bin/%: schemes/%/Cargo.toml schemes/%/src/** $(BUILD)/libstd.rlib mkdir -p filesystem/bin $(CARGO) rustc --manifest-path $< --bin $* $(CARGOFLAGS) -o $@ strip $@ rm $@.d drivers: \ filesystem/bin/e1000d \ filesystem/bin/rtl8168d coreutils: \ filesystem/bin/basename \ filesystem/bin/cat \ filesystem/bin/clear \ filesystem/bin/cp \ filesystem/bin/cut \ filesystem/bin/date \ filesystem/bin/dd \ filesystem/bin/du \ filesystem/bin/echo \ filesystem/bin/env \ filesystem/bin/false \ filesystem/bin/head \ filesystem/bin/ls \ filesystem/bin/mkdir \ filesystem/bin/mv \ filesystem/bin/printenv \ filesystem/bin/ps \ filesystem/bin/pwd \ filesystem/bin/realpath \ filesystem/bin/reset \ filesystem/bin/rmdir \ filesystem/bin/rm \ filesystem/bin/seq \ filesystem/bin/sleep \ filesystem/bin/tail \ filesystem/bin/time \ filesystem/bin/touch \ filesystem/bin/true \ filesystem/bin/wc \ filesystem/bin/yes #filesystem/bin/free filesystem/bin/shutdown filesystem/bin/test extrautils: \ filesystem/bin/calc \ filesystem/bin/cksum \ filesystem/bin/cur \ filesystem/bin/grep \ filesystem/bin/less \ filesystem/bin/mdless \ filesystem/bin/mtxt \ filesystem/bin/rem \ #filesystem/bin/dmesg filesystem/bin/info filesystem/bin/man filesystem/bin/watch netutils: \ filesystem/bin/dhcpd \ filesystem/bin/dns \ filesystem/bin/httpd \ filesystem/bin/irc \ filesystem/bin/nc \ filesystem/bin/wget orbutils: \ filesystem/bin/calculator \ filesystem/bin/character_map \ filesystem/bin/editor \ filesystem/bin/file_manager \ filesystem/bin/launcher \ filesystem/bin/orblogin \ filesystem/bin/terminal \ filesystem/bin/viewer pkgutils: \ filesystem/bin/pkg userutils: \ filesystem/bin/getty \ filesystem/bin/id \ filesystem/bin/login \ filesystem/bin/passwd \ filesystem/bin/su \ filesystem/bin/sudo schemes: \ filesystem/bin/ethernetd \ filesystem/bin/example \ filesystem/bin/ipd \ filesystem/bin/orbital \ filesystem/bin/ptyd \ filesystem/bin/randd \ filesystem/bin/tcpd \ filesystem/bin/udpd $(BUILD)/filesystem.bin: \ drivers \ coreutils \ extrautils \ netutils \ orbutils \ pkgutils \ userutils \ schemes \ filesystem/bin/acid \ filesystem/bin/ion \ filesystem/bin/sh \ filesystem/bin/smith \ filesystem/bin/tar rm -rf $@ $(BUILD)/filesystem/ echo exit | cargo run --manifest-path schemes/redoxfs/Cargo.toml --bin redoxfs-utility $@ 256 mkdir -p $(BUILD)/filesystem/ cargo build --manifest-path schemes/redoxfs/Cargo.toml --bin redoxfs-fuse schemes/redoxfs/target/debug/redoxfs-fuse $@ $(BUILD)/filesystem/ & sleep 2 pgrep redoxfs-fuse cp -RL filesystem/* $(BUILD)/filesystem/ chown -R 0:0 $(BUILD)/filesystem/ chown -R 1000:1000 $(BUILD)/filesystem/home/user/ chmod 700 $(BUILD)/filesystem/root/ chmod 700 $(BUILD)/filesystem/home/user/ chmod +s $(BUILD)/filesystem/bin/su chmod +s $(BUILD)/filesystem/bin/sudo mkdir $(BUILD)/filesystem/tmp chmod 1777 $(BUILD)/filesystem/tmp sync -$(FUMOUNT) $(BUILD)/filesystem/ rm -rf $(BUILD)/filesystem/ mount: $(BUILD)/filesystem.bin FORCE mkdir -p $(BUILD)/filesystem/ cargo build --manifest-path schemes/redoxfs/Cargo.toml --bin redoxfs-fuse schemes/redoxfs/target/debug/redoxfs-fuse $< $(BUILD)/filesystem/ & sleep 2 pgrep redoxfs-fuse unmount: FORCE sync -$(FUMOUNT) $(BUILD)/filesystem/ rm -rf $(BUILD)/filesystem/ wireshark: FORCE wireshark $(KBUILD)/network.pcap