use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::mem; use std::thread; bitflags! { flags MousePacketFlags: u8 { const LEFT_BUTTON = 1, const RIGHT_BUTTON = 1 << 1, const MIDDLE_BUTTON = 1 << 2, const ALWAYS_ON = 1 << 3, const X_SIGN = 1 << 4, const Y_SIGN = 1 << 5, const X_OVERFLOW = 1 << 6, const Y_OVERFLOW = 1 << 7 } } pub fn mouse(extra_packet: bool) { let mut file = File::open("irq:12").expect("ps2d: failed to open irq:12"); let mut packets = [0; 4]; let mut packet_i = 0; loop { let mut irqs = [0; 8]; if irqs).expect("ps2d: failed to read irq:12") >= mem::size_of::() { let data: u8; unsafe { asm!("in al, dx" : "={al}"(data) : "{dx}"(0x60) : : "intel", "volatile"); } packets[packet_i] = data; packet_i += 1; let flags = MousePacketFlags::from_bits_truncate(packets[0]); if ! flags.contains(ALWAYS_ON) { println!("MOUSE MISALIGN {:X}", packets[0]); packets = [0; 4]; packet_i = 0; } else if packet_i >= packets.len() || (!extra_packet && packet_i >= 3) { if ! flags.contains(X_OVERFLOW) && ! flags.contains(Y_OVERFLOW) { let mut dx = packets[1] as isize; if flags.contains(X_SIGN) { dx -= 0x100; } let mut dy = packets[2] as isize; if flags.contains(Y_SIGN) { dy -= 0x100; } let extra = if extra_packet { packets[3] } else { 0 }; print!("ps2d: IRQ {:?}, {}, {}, {}\n", flags, dx, dy, extra); } else { println!("ps2d: overflow {:X} {:X} {:X} {:X}", packets[0], packets[1], packets[2], packets[3]); } packets = [0; 4]; packet_i = 0; } file.write(&irqs).expect("ps2d: failed to write irq:12"); } else { thread::yield_now(); } } }