# This script show the changelog of all Redox components #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e LAST_RELEASE_TAG="$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)" LAST_RELEASE_TIMESTAMP="$(git log --format="%ct" -1 "${LAST_RELEASE_TAG}")" echo "Last release: ${LAST_RELEASE_TAG} at ${LAST_RELEASE_TIMESTAMP}" REPOS=( redox=. cookbook=cookbook rust=rust ) if [ "$1" = "--summary" ] then summary=true elif [ "$1" = "--mdlinks" ] then mdlinks=true fi for package in $(installer/target/release/redox_installer --list-packages -c config/$(uname -m)/desktop.toml) do package_source="$(cd cookbook; target/release/find_recipe ${package})" REPOS+=("${package}=cookbook/${package_source}/source") done # TODO: resolve dependencies instead of manually adding these initfs packages for package in init logd ramfs randd zerod do package_source="$(cd cookbook; target/release/find_recipe ${package})" REPOS+=("${package}=cookbook/${package_source}/source") done for name_repo in "${REPOS[@]}" do name="$(echo "${name_repo}" | cut -d "=" -f 1)" repo="$(echo "${name_repo}" | cut -d "=" -f 2-)" if [ "${summary}" = true ] then echo echo "### ${name}" echo elif [ "${mdlinks}" = true ] then echo -n "- [${name}]" else echo -en "\x1B[1m${name}:\x1B[0m " fi if [ -e "${repo}/.git" ] then remote="$(git -C "${repo}" remote get-url origin)" website="${remote%.*}" before="$(git -C "${repo}" log --until="${LAST_RELEASE_TIMESTAMP}" --format="%h" -1)" after="$(git -C "${repo}" log --since="${LAST_RELEASE_TIMESTAMP}" --format="%h" -1)" if [ -z "${before}" ] then echo "New repository at ${website}" elif [ -z "${after}" ] then echo "No changes" else if [ "${summary}" = true ] then git -C "${repo}" log ${before}...${after} --oneline elif [ "${mdlinks}" = true ] then echo "(${website}/-/compare/${before}...${after})" else echo "${website}/-/compare/${before}...${after}" fi fi else echo "Not a git repository" fi done