SECTION .text USE16 ; switch to unreal mode; ds and es can address up to 4GiB unreal: cli lgdt [unreal_gdtr] push es push ds mov eax, cr0 ; switch to pmode by or al,1 ; set pmode bit mov cr0, eax jmp $+2 ; ; When this register given a "selector", a "segment descriptor cache register" ; is filled with the descriptor values, including the size (or limit). After ; the switch back to real mode, these values are not modified, regardless of ; what value is in the 16-bit segment register. So the 64k limit is no longer ; valid and 32-bit offsets can be used with the real-mode addressing rules mov bx, mov es, bx mov ds, bx and al,0xFE ; back to realmode mov cr0, eax ; by toggling bit again pop ds pop es sti ret unreal_gdtr: dw unreal_gdt.end + 1 ; size dd unreal_gdt ; offset unreal_gdt: .null equ $ - unreal_gdt dq 0 .data equ $ - unreal_gdt istruc GDTEntry at GDTEntry.limitl, dw 0xFFFF at GDTEntry.basel, dw 0x0 at GDTEntry.basem, db 0x0 at GDTEntry.attribute, db attrib.present | attrib.user | attrib.writable at GDTEntry.flags__limith, db 0xFF | flags.granularity | flags.default_operand_size at GDTEntry.baseh, db 0x0 iend .end equ $ - unreal_gdt