#! /bin/bash ########################################################## # This function is simply a banner to introduce the script ########################################################## banner() { echo "|------------------------------------------|" echo "|----- Welcome to the redox bootstrap -----|" echo "|------------------------------------------|" } ############################################################################### # This function takes care of installing all dependencies for building redox on # Mac OSX # @params: $1 the emulator to install, virtualbox or qemu ############################################################################### osx() { echo "Detected OSX!" if [ ! -z "$(which brew)" ]; then echo "Homebrew detected! Now updating..." brew update if [ -z "$(which git)" ]; then echo "Now installing git..." brew install git fi if [ "$1" == "qemu" ]; then if [ -z "$(which qemu-system-i386)" ]; then echo "Installing qemu..." brew install qemu else echo "QEMU already installed!" fi else if [ -z "$(which virtualbox)" ]; then echo "Now installing virtualbox..." brew cask install virtualbox else echo "Virtualbox already installed!" fi fi else echo "Homebrew does not appear to be installed! Would you like me to install it?" echo "*WARNING* this install involves a curl | sh style command" printf "(Y/n): " read -r installit if [ "$installit" == "Y" ]; then ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" else echo "Will not install, now exiting..." exit fi fi echo "Running Redox setup script..." brew tap homebrew/versions brew install gcc49 brew tap nashenas88/gcc_cross_compilers brew install nashenas88/gcc_cross_compilers/i386-elf-binutils nashenas88/gcc_cross_compilers/i386-elf-gcc nasm pkg-config brew install Caskroom/cask/osxfuse } ############################################################################### # This function takes care of installing all dependencies for building redox on # Arch linux # @params: $1 the emulator to install, virtualbox or qemu ############################################################################### archLinux() { echo "Detected Arch Linux" echo "Updating system..." sudo pacman -Syu if [ -z "$(which nasm)" ]; then echo "Installing nasm..." sudo pacman -S nasm fi if [ -z "$(which git)" ]; then echo "Installing git..." sudo pacman -S git fi if [ "$1" == "qemu" ]; then if [ -z "$(which qemu-system-i386)" ]; then echo "Installing QEMU..." sudo pacman -S qemu else echo "QEMU already installed!" fi fi echo "Installing fuse..." sudo pacman -S fuse } ############################################################################### # This function takes care of installing all dependencies for building redox on # debian based linux # @params: $1 the emulator to install, virtualbox or qemu # $2 the package manager to use ############################################################################### ubuntu() { echo "Detected Ubuntu/Debian" echo "Updating system..." sudo "$2" update echo "Installing required packages..." sudo "$2" install build-essential libc6-dev-i386 nasm curl file git libfuse-dev if [ "$1" == "qemu" ]; then if [ -z "$(which qemu-system-i386)" ]; then echo "Installing QEMU..." sudo "$2" install qemu-system-x86 qemu-kvm else echo "QEMU already installed!" fi else if [ -z "$(which virtualbox)" ]; then echo "Installing Virtualbox..." sudo "$2" install virtualbox else echo "Virtualbox already installed!" fi fi } ############################################################################### # This function takes care of installing all dependencies for building redox on # fedora linux # @params: $1 the emulator to install, virtualbox or qemu ############################################################################### fedora() { echo "Detected Fedora" if [ -z "$(which git)" ]; then echo "Installing git..." sudo yum install git-all fi if [ "$1" == "qemu" ]; then if [ -z "$(which qemu-system-i386)" ]; then echo "Installing QEMU..." sudo yum install qemu-system-x86 qemu-kvm else echo "QEMU already installed!" fi else if [ -z "$(which virtualbox)" ]; then echo "Installing virtualbox..." sudo yum install virtualbox else echo "Virtualbox already installed!" fi fi echo "Installing necessary build tools..." sudo dnf install gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel.i686 nasm make fuse-devel } ############################################################################### # This function takes care of installing all dependencies for building redox on # *suse linux # @params: $1 the emulator to install, virtualbox or qemu ############################################################################### suse() { echo "Detected a suse" if [ -z "$(which git)" ]; then echo "Installing git..." zypper install git fi if [ "$1" == "qemu" ]; then if [ -z "$(which qemu-system-i386)" ]; then echo "Installing QEMU..." sudo zypper install qemu-x86 qemu-kvm else echo "QEMU already installed!" fi else if [ -z "$(which virtualbox)" ]; then echo "Please install Virtualbox and re-run this script," echo "or run with -e qemu" exit else echo "Virtualbox already installed!" fi fi echo "Installing necessary build tools..." sudo zypper install gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel-32bit nasm make libfuse } ############################################################################## # This function takes care of installing all dependencies for builing redox on # gentoo linux # @params: $1 the emulator to install, virtualbox or qemu ############################################################################## gentoo() { echo "Detected Gentoo Linux" if [ -z "$(which nasm)" ]; then echo "Installing nasm..." sudo emerge dev-lang/nasm fi if [ -z "$(which git)" ]; then echo "Installing git..." sudo emerge dev-vcs/git fi echo "Installing fuse..." sudo emerge sys-fs/fuse if [ "$2" == "qemu" ]; then if [ -z "$(which qemu-system-i386)" ]; then echo "Please install QEMU and re-run this script" echo "Step1. Add QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS=\"i386\" to /etc/portage/make.conf" echo "Step2. Execute \"sudo emerge app-emulation/qemu\"" else echo "QEMU already installed!" fi fi } ############################################################################## # This function takes care of installing all dependencies for builing redox on # SolusOS # @params: $1 the emulator to install, virtualbox or qemu ############################################################################## solus() { echo "Detected SolusOS" if [ -z "$(which nasm)" ]; then echo "Installing nasm..." sudo eopkg it nasm fi if [ -z "$(which git)" ]; then echo "Installing git..." sudo eopkg it git fi echo "Installing fuse..." sudo eopkg it fuse-devel if [ "$1" == "qemu" ]; then if [ -z "$(which qemu-system-i386)" ]; then sudo eopkg it qemu else echo "QEMU already installed!" fi else if [ -z "$(which virtualbox)" ]; then echo "Please install Virtualbox and re-run this script," echo "or run with -e qemu" exit else echo "Virtualbox already installed!" fi fi } ###################################################################### # This function outlines the different options available for bootstrap ###################################################################### usage() { echo "------------------------" echo "|Redox bootstrap script|" echo "------------------------" echo "Usage: ./bootstrap.sh" echo "OPTIONS:" echo echo " -h,--help Show this prompt" echo " -u [branch] Update git repo and update rust" echo " If blank defaults to master" echo " -s Check the status of the current travis build" echo " -e [emulator] Install specific emulator, virtualbox or qemu" echo " -p [package Choose an Ubuntu package manager, apt-fast or" echo " manager] aptitude" echo "EXAMPLES:" echo echo "./bootstrap.sh -b buddy -e qemu" exit } #################################################################################### # This function takes care of everything associated to rust, and the version manager # That controls it, it can install rustup and uninstall multirust as well as making # sure that the correct version of rustc is selected by rustup #################################################################################### rustInstall() { # Check to see if multirust is installed, we don't want it messing with rustup # In th future we can probably remove this but I believe it's good to have for now if [ -e /usr/local/lib/rustlib/uninstall.sh ] ; then echo "It appears that multirust is installed on your system." echo "This tool has been deprecated by the maintainer, and will cause issues." echo "This script can remove multirust from your system if you wish." printf "Uninstall multirust (y/N):" read multirust if echo "$multirust" | grep -iq "^y" ;then sudo /usr/local/lib/rustlib/uninstall.sh else echo "Please manually uninstall multirust and any other versions of rust, then re-run bootstrap." exit fi else echo "Old multirust not installed, you are good to go." fi # If rustup is not installed we should offer to install it for them if [ -z "$(which rustup)" ]; then echo "You do not have rustup installed." echo "We HIGHLY reccomend using rustup." echo "Would you like to install it now?" echo "*WARNING* this involves a 'curl | sh' style command" printf "(y/N): " read rustup if echo "$rustup" | grep -iq "^y" ;then #install rustup curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly # You have to add the rustup variables to the $PATH echo "export PATH=\"\$HOME/.cargo/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc # source the variables so that we can execute rustup commands in the current shell source ~/.cargo/env rustup default nightly else echo "Rustup will not be installed!" fi fi # if [ -z "$(which rustc)" ]; then echo "Rust is not installed" echo "Please either run the script again, accepting rustup install" echo "or install rustc nightly manually (not reccomended) via:" echo "\#curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sh -s -- --channel=nightly" exit fi # If the system has rustup installed then update rustc to the latest nightly if hash 2>/dev/null rustup; then rustup update nightly rustup default nightly fi # Check to make sure that the default rustc is the nightly if echo "$(rustc --version)" | grep -viq "nightly" ;then echo "It appears that you have rust installed, but it" echo "is not the nightly version, please either install" echo "the nightly manually (not reccomended) or run this" echo "script again, accepting the multirust install" echo else echo "Your rust install looks good!" echo fi } #################################################################### # This function gets the current build status from travis and prints # a message to the user #################################################################### statusCheck() { for i in $(echo "$(curl -sf https://api.travis-ci.org/repositories/redox-os/redox.json)" | tr "," "\n") do if echo "$i" | grep -iq "last_build_status" ;then if echo "$i" | grep -iq "0" ;then echo echo "********************************************" echo "Travis reports that the last build succeded!" echo "Looks like you are good to go!" echo "********************************************" elif echo "$i" | grep -iq "null" ;then echo echo "******************************************************************" echo "The Travis build did not finish, this is an error with its config." echo "I cannot reliably determine whether the build is succeding or not." echo "Consider checking for and maybe opening an issue on github" echo "******************************************************************" else echo echo "**************************************************" echo "Travis reports that the last build *FAILED* :(" echo "Might want to check out the issues before building" echo "**************************************************" fi fi done } ########################################################################### # This function is the main logic for the bootstrap; it clones the git repo # then it installs the rust version manager and the latest version of rustc ########################################################################### boot() { echo "Cloning github repo..." git clone https://github.com/redox-os/redox.git --origin upstream --recursive rustInstall echo "Cleaning up..." rm bootstrap.sh echo echo "---------------------------------------" echo "Well it looks like you are ready to go!" echo "---------------------------------------" statusCheck echo "Run the following commands to build redox:" echo "cd redox" echo "make all" echo "make virtualbox or qemu" echo echo " Good luck!" exit } if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then usage elif [ "$1" == "-u" ]; then git pull origin master git submodule update --recursive --init rustup update nightly exit elif [ "$1" == "-s" ]; then statusCheck exit fi emulator="qemu" defpackman="apt-get" while getopts ":e:p:" opt do case "$opt" in e) emulator="$OPTARG";; p) defpackman="$OPTARG";; \?) echo "I don't know what to do with that option, try -h for help"; exit;; esac done banner if [ "Darwin" == "$(uname -s)" ]; then osx "$emulator" else # Here we will user package managers to determine which operating system the user is using # Arch linux if hash 2>/dev/null pacman; then archLinux "$emulator" fi # Debian or any derivative of it if hash 2>/dev/null apt-get; then ubuntu "$emulator" "$defpackman" fi # Fedora if hash 2>/dev/null yum; then fedora "$emulator" fi # Suse and derivatives if hash 2>/dev/null zypper; then suse "$emulator" fi # Gentoo if hash 2>/dev/null emerge; then gentoo "$emulator" fi # SolusOS if hash 2>/dev/null eopkg; then solus "$emulator" fi fi boot