# Configuration file for the build system dependencies # Don't check for Rust/Cargo if you will be using Podman ifneq ($(PODMAN_BUILD),1) # don’t check for Rust and Cargo if building on a Nix system ifneq ($(NIX_SHELL_BUILD),1) ifeq ($(shell which rustup),) $(error rustup not found, install from "https://rustup.rs/") endif endif ifeq ($(shell which cbindgen),) $(error cbindgen not found, install from crates.io or from your package manager) endif ifeq ($(shell which nasm),) $(error nasm not found, install from your package manager) endif ifeq ($(shell which just),) $(error 'just' not found, install from crates.io or from your package manager) endif ifneq ($(NIX_SHELL_BUILD),1) CARGO_CONFIG_VERSION=0.1.1 ifeq ($(shell env -u RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN cargo install --list | grep '^cargo-config v$(CARGO_CONFIG_VERSION):$$'),) $(error cargo-config $(CARGO_CONFIG_VERSION) not found, run "cargo install --force --version $(CARGO_CONFIG_VERSION) cargo-config") endif endif endif