diff --git a/mk/config.mk b/mk/config.mk index 642803c..687d9a6 100644 --- a/mk/config.mk +++ b/mk/config.mk @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ INSTALLER=\ ## Bootloader variables EFI_TARGET=$(ARCH)-unknown-uefi +PARTED=/sbin/parted ## Cross compiler variables AR=$(TARGET)-gcc-ar diff --git a/mk/disk.mk b/mk/disk.mk index 5eb7dee..ff0a91e 100644 --- a/mk/disk.mk +++ b/mk/disk.mk @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ build/bootloader: bootloader/$(ARCH)/** build/harddrive.bin: build/filesystem.bin bootloader/$(ARCH)/** nasm -f bin -o build/bootsector.bin -D ARCH_$(ARCH) -ibootloader/$(ARCH)/ bootloader/$(ARCH)/disk.asm dd if=/dev/zero of=$@.partial bs=1M count=$$(expr $$(du -m $< | cut -f1) + 2) - parted -s -a minimal $@.partial mklabel msdos - parted -s -a minimal $@.partial mkpart primary 2048s $$(expr $$(du -m $< | cut -f1) \* 2048 + 2048)s + $(PARTED) -s -a minimal $@.partial mklabel msdos + $(PARTED) -s -a minimal $@.partial mkpart primary 2048s $$(expr $$(du -m $< | cut -f1) \* 2048 + 2048)s dd if=build/bootsector.bin of=$@.partial bs=1 count=446 conv=notrunc dd if=build/bootsector.bin of=$@.partial bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc dd if=$< of=$@.partial bs=1M seek=1 conv=notrunc @@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ build/harddrive-efi.bin: build/bootloader.efi build/filesystem.bin # Create the disk \ dd if=/dev/zero of=$@ bs=1048576 count=$$(expr $$(du -m $< | cut -f1) + 2 + $$(du -m build/filesystem.bin | cut -f1)) && \ # Create partition table \ - parted -s -a minimal $@ mklabel gpt && \ + $(PARTED) -s -a minimal $@ mklabel gpt && \ efi_disk_size=$$(du -m $< | cut -f1) && \ efi_disk_blkcount=$$(expr $$efi_disk_size \* $$(expr 1048576 / 512)) && \ efi_end=$$(expr 2048 + $$efi_disk_blkcount) && \ efi_last=$$(expr $$efi_end - 1) && \ - parted -s -a minimal $@ mkpart EFI fat32 2048s "$${efi_last}s" && \ + $(PARTED) -s -a minimal $@ mkpart EFI fat32 2048s "$${efi_last}s" && \ fs_disk_size=$$(du -m build/filesystem.bin | cut -f1) && \ fs_disk_blkcount=$$(expr $$fs_disk_size \* $$(expr 1048576 / 512)) && \ - parted -s -a minimal $@ mkpart redox ext4 "$${efi_end}s" $$(expr $$efi_end + $$fs_disk_blkcount)s && \ - parted -s -a minimal $@ set 1 boot on && \ - parted -s -a minimal $@ set 1 esp on && \ + $(PARTED) -s -a minimal $@ mkpart redox ext4 "$${efi_end}s" $$(expr $$efi_end + $$fs_disk_blkcount)s && \ + $(PARTED) -s -a minimal $@ set 1 boot on && \ + $(PARTED) -s -a minimal $@ set 1 esp on && \ # Write the partitions \ dd if=$@.esp bs=512 seek=2048 conv=notrunc count=$$efi_disk_blkcount of=$@ && \ dd if=build/filesystem.bin seek=$$efi_end bs=512 conv=notrunc of=$@ count=$$fs_disk_blkcount