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\node[anchor=center, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] at (background.center) { \kern\hadj\form@MultilineTextField[#1]{#2} }; \end{tikzpicture} } \NewDocumentCommand{\full@CheckBox}{}{% \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline] \node (background) [anchor=base west, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] at (0,0) { \fake@CheckBox }; \node [anchor=center, inner sep=0pt] at (background.center) { \kern\hadj\form@CheckBox }; \end{tikzpicture} } % % % exposed form elements % Text{text…} - just text, with proper spacing \NewDocumentCommand{\Text}{m}{% \par#1\par\vspace{\formskip} } % TextField{label} - a single-line input \RenewDocumentCommand{\TextField}{m}{% \par% {\small #1\strut}\\% \full@TextField{}% \par\vspace{\formskip}% } % ShortTextField[width]{label} - a single-line input that doesn't have full width % (50% by default) \NewDocumentCommand{\ShortTextField}{O{0.5} m}{% \par% {\small #2\strut}\\% \full@TextField{#1}% \par\vspace{\formskip}% } % MultilineTextField[height]{label} - a multi-line input \NewDocumentCommand{\MultilineTextField}{O{} m}{% \par% {\small #2\strut}\\% \full@MultilineTextField[#1]{}% \par\vspace{\formskip}% } % Signature[label] - a field not fillable on the computer, big enough for a signature \NewDocumentCommand{\Signature}{O{Datum, Unterschrift}}{% \par% {\small #1\strut}\\% \fake@MultilineTextField[1.0cm]{0.5}% \par\vspace{\formskip}% } % Notes[label] - a slightly taller fake field that fills the whole width \NewDocumentCommand{\Notes}{O{Vermerke}}{% \par% {\small #1\strut}\\% \fake@MultilineTextField[1.5cm]{}% \par\vspace{\formskip}% } % Checkbox{label} - a checkbox; label can be long and will linebreak reasonably pretty \NewDocumentCommand{\Checkbox}{m}{% \par% \full@CheckBox\quad% \begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth - \checkboxtextshrink \relax}% #1% \end{minipage}% \par\vspace{\formskip}% } % InlineCheckbox - just the box \NewDocumentCommand{\InlineCheckbox}{}{\full@CheckBox} % CheckboxOther[width]{label} - a checkbox for a write-in option \NewDocumentCommand{\CheckboxOther}{O{0.5} m}{% \par% \full@CheckBox\quad#2\quad\full@TextField{#1}% \par\vspace{\formskip}% } % high-level structure % Section{title} - a form section \NewDocumentCommand{\Section}{m}{% \vspace{1.5cm}% {\Large\bfseries #1}% \par\vspace{2\formskip}% } % Subsection{title} - slightly smaller than section \NewDocumentCommand{\Subsection}{m}{% \vspace{1.0cm}% {\large\bfseries #1}% \par\vspace{\formskip}% } % Rule - a horizontal rule, with correct spacing \NewDocumentCommand{\Rule}{}{% \vspace{\formskip}% \rule{\linewidth}{\borderwidth}% \vspace{2\formskip}% } % RuleSection - rule followed by a small note *immediately* below, before the spacing % (e.g. to separate public / internal sections of a form) \NewDocumentCommand{\RuleSection}{m}{% \vspace{\formskip}% \leavevmode\rule{\linewidth}{\borderwidth}\\% {\details{#1}}% \par\vspace{2\formskip} } % \begin{Indented}[factor] ... \end{Indented} - indent a section \NewDocumentEnvironment{Indented}{O{}}{% \begin{adjustwidth}{#1\indentstep}{0pt}% }{% \end{adjustwidth}% } % TwoColumns{left}{right} - put two sections side-by-side \NewDocumentCommand{\TwoColumns}{m m}{% \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\linewidth - 0.5\colsep}% #1% \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\linewidth - 0.5\colsep}% #2% \end{minipage}% \par } \NewDocumentCommand{\ThreeColumns}{m m m}{% \begin{minipage}[t]{0.333\linewidth - 0.66\colsep}% #1% \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.333\linewidth - 0.66\colsep}% #2% \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.333\linewidth - 0.66\colsep}% #3% \end{minipage}% \par } \NewDocumentCommand{\FiveColumns}{m m m m m}{% \begin{minipage}[t]{0.2\linewidth - 0.8\colsep}% #1% \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.2\linewidth - 0.8\colsep}% #2% \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.2\linewidth - 0.8\colsep}% #3% \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.2\linewidth - 0.8\colsep}% #4% \end{minipage}% \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.2\linewidth - 0.8\colsep}% #5% \end{minipage}% \par } % details{text} - (use instead of font sizes, small text) \NewDocumentCommand{\details}{m}{% {\scriptsize #1}% } % % % common title patterns % LogoTitle{title} - logo on the right, title on the left \NewDocumentCommand{\LogoTitle}{m}{ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay] \node[anchor=north east] at (current page.north east) [xshift=-1.5cm, yshift=-1.5cm] {% \includegraphics[width=3cm]{logo.pdf}% }; 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