This commit is contained in:
nobody 2024-11-11 03:46:08 +01:00
parent 285c91da7f
commit ac2df824f5
4 changed files with 356 additions and 0 deletions

cccbform.cls Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
\ProvidesClass{cccbform}[2024-11-08 In the Beginning, There Was Chaos]
\RequirePackage{geometry, calc, xparse, xcolor, hyperref, tikz,
fontspec, changepage, letltxmacro, textpos}
% address
Chaos Computer Club Berlin / CCC~(B)~e.~V.\\
% page
\geometry{a4paper, margin=1.5cm, inner=2.5cm}
% fonts
% colors
% lengths
% counters
% abbreviations
% address placement helper
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node[anchor=north west] at (current page.north west) [xshift=2.35cm, yshift=-5cm] {%
\emph{an den} \par
% % % form@, fake@, and full@ variants of the form elements:
% (raw@: renamed / prefixed hyperref command)
% form@: PDF form element (some viewers don't print it)
% fake@: A colored box, non-interactive (but will be printed!)
% full@: a stack of fake@ and form@ on top of each other
% The general parameter convention here is: height, width multiplier
% - height is optional and defaults to \formfieldheight, giving the right size
% for a single-line text field
% - width is "mandatory" but always used followed by \linewidth, so passing an
% empty argument works and is effectively equivalent to passing 1
% rename commands to make nice names available
% wrapped form fields with defaults filled in
\NewDocumentCommand{\form@TextField}{O{\formfieldheight} m}{%
width=\dimexpr #2\linewidth - 4pt \relax,
height=\dimexpr #1 - 3pt \relax
\NewDocumentCommand{\form@MultilineTextField}{O{\formfieldheight} m}{%
width=\dimexpr #2\linewidth - 4pt \relax,
height=\dimexpr #1 - 3pt \relax
width=\dimexpr \formfieldheight - 3pt \relax,
height=\dimexpr \formfieldheight - 3pt \relax
% fake form fields to put *under* the PDF form fields
\NewDocumentCommand{\fake@TextField}{O{\formfieldheight} m}{%
(0,0) rectangle (#2\linewidth - 2\borderwidth,#1);
\draw[dash pattern=on 0.5\borderwidth off 5\borderwidth,bordercolor,
line width=\borderwidth, line cap=round]
(0,0) -- (#2\linewidth - 2\borderwidth,0);
(0,0) rectangle (\formfieldheight,\formfieldheight);
\draw[bordercolor,line width=\borderwidth]
(0,0) rectangle (\formfieldheight,\formfieldheight);
% "full" stacked version of fake + actual form field
\NewDocumentCommand{\full@TextField}{O{\formfieldheight} m}{%
\NewDocumentCommand{\full@MultilineTextField}{O{\formfieldheight} m}{%
% % % exposed form elements
% Text{text} - just text, with proper spacing
% TextField{label} - a single-line input
{\small #1\strut}\\%
% ShortTextField[width]{label} - a single-line input that doesn't have full width
% (50% by default)
\NewDocumentCommand{\ShortTextField}{O{0.5} m}{%
{\small #2\strut}\\%
% MultilineTextField[height]{label} - a multi-line input
\NewDocumentCommand{\MultilineTextField}{O{} m}{%
{\small #2\strut}\\%
% Signature[label] - a field not fillable on the computer, big enough for a signature
\NewDocumentCommand{\Signature}{O{Datum, Unterschrift}}{%
{\small #1\strut}\\%
% Notes[label] - a slightly taller fake field that fills the whole width
{\small #1\strut}\\%
% Checkbox{label} - a checkbox; label can be long and will linebreak reasonably pretty
\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth - \formfieldheight - 1em \relax}%
% CheckboxOther[width]{label} - a checkbox for a write-in option
\NewDocumentCommand{\CheckboxOther}{O{0.5} m}{%
% high-level structure
% Section{title} - a form section
{\Large\bfseries #1}%
% Subsection{title} - slightly smaller than section
{\large\bfseries #1}%
% Rule - a horizontal rule, with correct spacing
% RuleSection - rule followed by a small note *immediately* below, before the spacing
% (e.g. to separate public / internal sections of a form)
% \begin{Indented}[factor] ... \end{Indented} - indent a section
% TwoColumns{left}{right} - put two sections side-by-side
\NewDocumentCommand{\TwoColumns}{m m}{%
% details{text} - (use instead of font sizes, small text)
{\scriptsize #1}%
% % % common title patterns
% LogoTitle{title} - logo on the right, title on the left
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node[anchor=north east] at (current page.north east) [xshift=-1.5cm, yshift=-1.5cm] {%
\\[1cm]{\huge\bfseries #1}\\[1.5cm]
% AddressTitle{title} - title at the top, address, then the form below
\\[1cm]\smash{{\huge\bfseries #1}}\\[4cm]
% need to emit \Form ; hyperref generates incomplete CheckBox appearance data,
% which causes problems with some viewers - so it's currently better not to
% generate any at all

erstattung.tex Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
\AddressTitle{Antrag auf Erstattung von Auslagen}
\Text{Ich bitte um Erstattung}
\Checkbox{in bar}
\Checkbox{auf mein Konto:}
\Text{Der entsprechende Beleg / Nachweis ist diesem Formular beigefügt.\\Vielen Dank.}
\Text{Betrag erstattet an:}
\Notes[Konto / Gegenkonto / Vermerke]
\Notes[Gebucht am / durch]

logo.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

mitgliedsantrag.tex Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
\LogoTitle{Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft im\\{\LARGE Chaos Computer Club Berlin / CCC~(B)~e.~V.}}
\Checkbox{Ja, ich habe die Satzung des Chaos Computer Club Berlin e.~V., die Beitragsordnung in der aktuellen Fassung und die Hinweise zur Mitgliedschaft gelesen und möchte Mitglied im CCCB~e.~V. werden.}
\TextField{Vor- und Zuame}
\Text{Ich beantrage folgende Mitgliedschaft:}
\Checkbox{Reguläre Mitgliedschaft (20€ pro Monat)}
\Checkbox{Ermäßigte Mitgliedschaft (10€ pro Monat) -- bitte Beleg beilegen!}
\CheckboxOther[0.2]{Mitgliedschaft mit Sonderbeitrag nach Art.~6 Abs.~2 der Satzung:}
\Text{Ich werde den Mitgliedsbeitrag auf das folgende Konto überweisen:}
Chaos Computer Club Berlin / CCC (B) e. V.\\
Verwendungszweck: "Mitgliedsbeitrag"\\
IBAN: DE13 1007 0024 0721 2756 00\\
Deutsche Bank
\Text{Hinweis: Die Rechtsgrundlage dieser Datenverarbeitung ist Art.~6 Abs.~1 lit.~b) DSGVO.}
\ShortTextField{Ort, Datum}
\Text{Die folgenden Mitglieder des CCCB bekunden Interesse an der Mitgliedschaft der ausfüllenden Person:}
\CheckboxOther{Mitgliedsantrag abgelehnt, weil:}
\Checkbox{Mitgliedsantrag bearbeitet}
\Signature[Datum / Kürzel]