mediawiki work in progress

This commit is contained in:
murmeldin 2024-11-27 20:34:07 +01:00
parent bbd9b2c29e
commit 659e9f258a
2 changed files with 191 additions and 93 deletions

View file

@ -7,11 +7,10 @@ use std::io::IsTerminal;
use std::os::linux::raw::stat;
use std::time::Instant;
use chrono::{Local, NaiveDate};
use chrono::{Local, NaiveDate, Utc, DateTime};
use clap::{Arg, Command};
use colored::Colorize;
use regex::Regex;
use cccron_lib::{trace_var, trace_var_, verboseln};
use cccron_lib::config_spec::{self, CfgField, CfgGroup, CfgSpec};
use cccron_lib::date;
@ -485,7 +484,7 @@ fn do_protocol(
let _message_id = send_email(&subject, &body, email, config)?;
NYI!("convert to mediawiki");
mediawiki::pad_ins_wiki(pad_content, wiki)?;
mediawiki::pad_ins_wiki(pad_content, wiki, plenum_day)?;
NYI!("add to wiki");
config.set("state-name", &ProgramState::Logged.to_string()).ok();
} else {

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use std::cell::OnceCell;
use std::error::Error;
use chrono::{Datelike, Utc};
use chrono::{Datelike, NaiveDate, Utc};
use colored::Colorize;
use reqwest::blocking::Client;
use serde::Deserialize;
@ -184,88 +184,104 @@ impl Mediawiki {
/// Creates a completely new wiki page with page_content and page_title as inputs
pub fn new_wiki_page(&self, page_title: &str, page_content: &str, update_main_page: bool) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
// action=edit&format=json&title=Wikipedia:Sandbox&appendtext=Hello&token=sampleCsrfToken123+\
let url =
format!("{}/api.php?", self.server_url);
// Prevent dry run from making actual wiki edits
if self.is_dry_run {
println!("Dry run: Would create wiki page '{}' with content {}", page_title, page_content);
return Ok("Dry run - no actual page created".to_string());
// Ensure we have a CSRF token
if self.csrf_token.get().is_none() {
return Err("CSRF token not set. Call get_csrf_token() first.".into());
let url = format!("{}/api.php", self.server_url);
let params: Box<[(&str, &str)]> = Box::from([
("action", "edit"), // Create and edit pages.
("action", "edit"),
("format", "json"),
("title", page_title), // Title of the page to edit. Cannot be used together with pageid.
("text", page_content), // Add this text to the end of the page or section. Overrides text.
("token", self.csrf_token.get().unwrap()), // A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens
("bot", "true"), // Mark this edit as a bot edit.
("title", page_title),
("text", page_content),
("token", self.csrf_token.get().unwrap()),
("createonly", "true"), // Prevent overwriting existing pages
("bot", "true"),
println!("Making request to {} with params: {:?}", url, params);
// Log the request details for debugging
verboseln!("Creating wiki page: {} at {}", page_title, url);
let request_result = self.make_request(url, params, ValidRequestTypes::Post);
// Make the request to create the page
let request_result = self.make_request(url, params, ValidRequestTypes::PostForEditing)?;
// Parse the response to check for success
let response: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&request_result)?;
// Check if the page creation was successful
if let Some(edit) = response.get("edit") {
if edit.get("result").and_then(|r| r.as_str()) == Some("Success") {
verboseln!("Successfully created wiki page: {}", page_title);
// Update the main plenum page if requested
if update_main_page {
} else {
Err(format!("Failed to create wiki page. Response: {}", response).into())
} else {
Err(format!("Unexpected response when creating wiki page: {}", response).into())
/// This function is responsible for updating the main plenum page:
/// It downloads the main plenum page from Mediawiki, inserts the
/// new Link to the newly uploaded plenum pad and uploads the
/// page back to mediawiki.
pub fn update_plenum_page(&self, new_page_title_to_link_to: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// 1. Get the current year:
let current_year = Utc::now().year().to_string();
let year_pattern = format!("=== {} ===", current_year);
let year_heading_pattern = format!("=== {} ===", current_year);
// 2. Download Plenum page content
let page_content = self.get_page_content(&self.plenum_main_page_name)?;
// Download Plenum page content
let mut page_content = self.get_page_content(&self.plenum_main_page_name)?;
// 3. Check if the current year exists
let mut updated_section = String::new();
if page_content.contains(&year_pattern) {
// 4. Year Heading exists, inserting new link below
let mut content_split: Vec<&str> = page_content.split(&year_pattern).collect();
let site_content_below_year_heading = content_split.pop().unwrap_or_default();
let site_content_above_year_heading = content_split.pop().unwrap_or_default();
updated_section = format!(
"{}{}\n* [[{}]]{}",
verboseln!("updated page: {}", updated_section)
// check if the current year heading pattern exists
if !page_content.contains(&year_heading_pattern) {
// If not, add a new year heading pattern
let last_year = (current_year.parse::<i32>()? - 1).to_string();
let last_year_heading_pattern = format!("=== {} ===", last_year);
if page_content.contains(&last_year_heading_pattern) {
// add a new year heading pattern before the last year one
let parts: Vec<&str> = page_content.split(&last_year_heading_pattern).collect();
page_content = format!(
"{}=== {} ===\n* [[{}]]\n\n{}{}",
parts[0], current_year, new_page_title_to_link_to,
} else {
// Scenario: New year: Generating new heading for the current year
// 4. First checking if the last year exists:
let last_year = current_year.parse::<i32>()? - 1; // returns e.g. 2023 when given 2024
let last_year_pattern = format!("=== {} ===", last_year);
if page_content.contains(&last_year_pattern) {
// 2. Secondly, generate a new heading for this year above last year's
verboseln!("new year, adding this year's heading");
let mut content_split: Vec<&str> = page_content.split(&last_year_pattern).collect();
let site_content_below_year_heading = content_split.pop().unwrap_or_default();
let site_content_above_year_heading = content_split.pop().unwrap_or_default();
updated_section = format!(
"{}{}\n* [[{}]]\n\n{}{}",
// Fallback: add the current year heading to the end of the page
page_content.push_str(&format!("\n\n=== {} ===\n* [[{}]]", current_year, new_page_title_to_link_to));
} else {
println!("There is neither a {}, nor a {} heading on the main plenum Page!", current_year, last_year);
panic!("The Plenum Main Page seems seriously damaged, aborting...")
// Paste the link below the current year heading
page_content = page_content.replace(
&format!("{}\n* [[{}]]", year_heading_pattern, new_page_title_to_link_to)
// uploading the pad again
self.new_wiki_page(&self.plenum_main_page_name, &updated_section, false)?; // nicht auf true setzen, sonst entsteht eine Endlosschleife
// refresh page
self.new_wiki_page(&self.plenum_main_page_name, &page_content, false)?;
/// This function downloads and returns the contents of a wiki page when given the page's title (e.g. `page_title = Plenum/13._August_2024`)
pub fn get_page_content(&self, page_title: &str) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
let url =
format!("{}/api.php?", self.server_url);
let url = format!("{}/api.php?", self.server_url);
let params: Box<[(&str, &str)]> = Box::from([
("action", "parse"), // Create and edit pages.
("action", "parse"),
("prop", "wikitext"),
("format", "json"),
("page", page_title),
@ -274,25 +290,117 @@ impl Mediawiki {
let resp = self.make_request(url, params, ValidRequestTypes::Get)?;
let response_deserialized: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&resp)?;
let resp = response_deserialized
let wikitext = response_deserialized
.and_then(|parse| parse.get("wikitext"))
.ok_or("Expected field `wikitext` not found, likely no access to main plenum page")?;
.and_then(|text| text.as_str())
.ok_or("Expected field `wikitext` not found")?;
pub fn test_wiki_write(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// Generate a unique test page title
let test_page_title = format!(
// Test content to write
let test_content = format!(
"Wiki Write Test\n\nThis is a test page generated at {}. \nIt can be safely deleted.",
// Ensure login token and CSRF token are set
let _login_result = self.login()?;
let url = format!("{}/api.php", self.server_url);
let params: Box<[(&str, &str)]> = Box::from([
("action", "edit"),
("format", "json"),
("title", &test_page_title),
("text", &test_content),
("token", self.csrf_token.get().unwrap()),
("createonly", "true"),
("bot", "true"),
// Manually print out all parameters for debugging
println!("Debug - URL: {}", url);
println!("Debug - Parameters:");
for (key, value) in params.iter() {
println!(" {}: {}", key, value);
// Make request and capture the full response
let request_result = match self.client
.basic_auth(&self.http_user, Some(&self.http_password))
Ok(response) => {
println!("Debug - Response Status: {}", response.status());
println!("Debug - Response Headers: {:?}", response.headers());
match response.text() {
Ok(text) => {
println!("Debug - Raw Response Body:\n{}", text);
Err(e) => {
return Err(format!("Failed to read response body: {}", e).into());
Err(e) => {
return Err(format!("Request failed: {}", e).into());
// Attempt to parse the response
match serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(&request_result) {
Ok(response) => {
println!("Debug - Parsed Response: {}", response);
if let Some(edit) = response.get("edit") {
if edit.get("result").and_then(|r| r.as_str()) == Some("Success") {
println!("✅ Successfully created test page: {}", test_page_title);
} else {
Err(format!("Failed to create page. Response: {}", response).into())
} else {
Err(format!("Unexpected response: {}", response).into())
Err(e) => {
Err(format!("JSON parsing failed. Error: {}. Raw response: {}", e, request_result).into())
/// This function runs at the end of do_protocol() and is responsible for
/// logging in to mediawiki, retrieving the necessary tokens, creating a
/// new wiki page for the current plenum protocol, and for linking the new
/// page to the main plenum overview page.
pub fn pad_ins_wiki(old_pad_content: String, wiki: &Mediawiki) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
pub fn pad_ins_wiki(old_pad_content: String, wiki: &Mediawiki, plenum_date: &NaiveDate) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// Use the provided date or default to current date
let date = plenum_date;
// Login to Wiki and get required tokens for logging in and writing
verboseln!("Login token acquired.");
let login_result = wiki.login()?;
verboseln!("Login done.");
verboseln!("CSRF token acquired.");
@ -301,17 +409,12 @@ pub fn pad_ins_wiki(old_pad_content: String, wiki: &Mediawiki) -> Result<(), Box
// Create a new wiki page plenum_main_page_name/page_title, e.g. under Plenum/13._August_2024
// and past the converted pad there
verboseln!("wiki: uploading converted pad");
// let page_title = "14._August_2024";
let page_title = "14._AUGUST_2024";
let page_title = format!("{}/{}", wiki.plenum_main_page_name, page_title);
wiki.new_wiki_page(&page_title, &pad_converted, true)?;
let page_title = create_page_title(date);
let full_page_title = format!("{}/{}", wiki.plenum_main_page_name, page_title);
// Download the main plenum page and insert the new page_title as a link
verboseln!("wiki: updating main plenum page");
wiki.new_wiki_page(&full_page_title, &pad_converted, true)?;
verboseln!("Finished successfully with wiki");
@ -332,14 +435,10 @@ fn pandoc_convert(markdown: String) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
fn create_title (nächster_plenumstermin: String) {
let date_simple = NaiveDate::from(nächster_plenumstermin);
let wiki_page_title = format!("{} {} {}",, LongMonthName[date_simple.month()], date_simple.year());
fn create_page_title(date: &NaiveDate) -> String {
date.format("%d. %B %Y").to_string()
/// Deserialization must be done this way because the response contains
/// two `\\` characters in both the login and csrf tokens, which breaks the
/// usual deserialization