#!/usr/bin/env python3 from glob import glob import pytz import icalendar calendars = [] merged = icalendar.Calendar() merged.add("prodid", "-//CCCB Calendar Generator//berlin.ccc.de//") merged.add("version", "2.0") for icsfilestr in glob("public/*/**/*.ics", recursive=True): with open(icsfilestr, "r") as icsfile: print(f"Importing {icsfilestr}") calendars.append(icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(icsfile.read())) for calendar in calendars: for event in calendar.subcomponents: if event.name != "VEVENT": continue if "DTSTART" not in event: continue merged.add_component(event) outfile = "static/all.ics" with open(outfile, "wb") as f: print(f"writing to {outfile}...") f.write(merged.to_ical())