# -- Site Configuration --
# Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters.
# https://blowfish.page/docs/getting-started/

theme = "blowfish" # UNCOMMENT THIS LINE
baseURL = "https://berlin.ccc.de/"
defaultContentLanguage = "de"
RelativeURLs = true
CanonifyURLs = true

pluralizeListTitles = "false" # hugo function useful for non-english languages, find out more in  https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/#pluralizelisttitles

enableRobotsTXT = true
summaryLength = 0

buildDrafts = false
buildFuture = false

enableEmoji = true

# googleAnalytics = "G-XXXXXXXXX"

  pagerSize = 100

  anchor = 'Center'

  tag = "tags"
  category = "categories"
  author = "authors"
  series = "series"

  changefreq = 'daily'
  filename = 'sitemap.xml'
  priority = 0.5

  post = "/post/:year/:month/:day/:title/"

  home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
  section = ["HTML", "Calendar", "RSS", "XML", "ICS"]
  page = ["HTML", "Calendar", "ICS"]

# Output Formats Configuration
  mediaType = "text/calendar"
  baseName = "index"
  isPlainText = true
  notAlternative = true

  mediaType = "application/xml"
  baseName = "index"
  isPlainText = true

  mediaType = "application/rss+xml"

# Media Types Configuration
    suffixes = ["ics"]
    suffixes = ["rss"]
    suffixes = ["xml"]

  threshold = 0
  toLower = false

        name = "tags"
        weight = 100

        name = "categories"
        weight = 100

        name = "series"
        weight = 50

        name = "authors"
        weight = 20

        name = "date"
        weight = 10

      applyFilter = false
      name = 'fragmentrefs'
      type = 'fragments'
      weight = 10